
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Work of the Devil


Progressive Couple Thrilled With Latest Mandates


The United States is Gone

 The United States is gone. The Republic is gone. The Constitution is gasping and not likely to survive. Hyperbole you say? Over the top? Not if you've been paying attention to what's been going on since the late '60s. There were a number of things that began the death of the Nation over the time since the Founding. It started even before 1800 when the Supreme Court made some very bad rulings. Here and there, throughout the 2+ centuries since 1787, our Founding Document, which spells out the powers granted to Congress and the President, have been ignored, eroded, or just flat out trashed. That said, the velocity has increased greatly since the late '90s. Now, we are so divided that I see no way back. And DC and their Brownshirts, as well as their Lap Dogs in their Propaganda Arm mistakenly called a Free Press are hell-bent on completely ripping the Nation apart and burning it down. There are plenty of brainwashed youth ready to help. To be anything other than Left or de

Why is America doomed?

 We all like to blame politicians for the ills of the Nation, especially these days. After all, they are SO easy to blame. They are evil, corrupt, venal, and vain. They are power-hungry and want control, not only over your lives either. Yet, they would not be in office were it not for We the People. Yes. WE are to blame. Although, not totally. A Nation such as the United States could not rot so fast from her beginnings if something else had not started rotting first. What is that 'something'? The Church. Yes, the Christian church. Had not the Church fallen away from the True Gospel, we would not be in this mess. We would not have the sexual perversion and insanity we have, nor would we have nearly the amount of corruption and evil that exists throughout EVERY government entity, from Local, all the way to the Federal Government. An extreme view you say? Not at all. The Church used to be the bulwark protecting society from most evil. It molded the overall character of American So

Gurl Power part 2

 Have you noticed over the years that many movies and TV shows almost always show women as superior and men as either evil or buffoons? It's also invaded comic books. Not just Gurl Power either, but the LGBTQ+ saints? They've also gone woke. I find many of today's movies and shows unwatchable, just as I no longer watch sports due to the woke bs. I've had it with the lies and bullshite. Female  'hero's beating up men? Really? You can take the best TRUE female MMA fighter and she'd likely lose to a lower-tier male. It's happened to women's professional teams a number of times. One lost to a High School BOYS team! And some think they should be paid the same as men? It's insane. Then again, so is allowing MEN who claim they are women to compete against REAL female athletes. There are a couple of a$$hole, mentally ill men who have seriously hurt women in WOMEN'S Boxing and MMA! Not a peep from so-called 'feminists'. So now a man can beat u

What is it with Apple?

 I've been a full-fledged Apple fan not quite 'boi' for about 2 or 3 years now. It all started when my last Windows machine crashed epically. I was updating my all-in-one from Windows 7 Home Premium to Windows 10. Well, trying actually. The box that the computer came in said it was "Windows 10 ready". I had run Windows software to confirm that claim and, yep, it was Win 10 ready! I downloaded it with no issue. Then, at 74% install, it froze. I waited for an hour as I had a lot of experience with Windows and its update issues. Nothing. I reverted back to 7. I then updated all my drivers and re-ran the software and re-confirmed it was ready! Attempt number 2 resulted in the same thing. I reverted back again. I uninstalled any non-Windows bit of software on it. I cleaned up the hard drive and then ran a program to check the health of said drive. No problem. "Third time is a charm!" so they say. Boy, was it! When it reached 74% installed, it froze. Then, the

Bill Maher: Americans NEED Perspective


Whom can you Trust?

 Not so long ago there was a 'Back the Blue' movement. It started earlier but really gained steam after the death of Saint George Floyd. After Floyd died while in custody Defund the Police was born. The media, as well as many in 'Officialdom' flat out lied or mischaracterized the incident. Many Politicians jumped on the bandwagon sensing another crisis they couldn't let go to waste. Many cities started cutting police budgets and handcuffing their departments. They allowed rioters to burn, pillage, loot, and murder with impunity. The Propaganda Arm of The Party dutifully lied about the riots calling them "Mostly peaceful" as the smoke from burned businesses wafted into the morning air and the sirens of the ambulances hauling away the murdered faded. BLM and Anti-Fa were portrayed as righteous Freedom Fighters instead of the Marxist thugs and Brownshirts they are. All CCP Virus restrictions didn't apply to them, so (un)holy was their cause.  So, many a c

Gurl Power and Other Insanity

 Pastor John MacArthur said one of the greatest signs of a Nation under God's Judgment, a Nation 'given over' to the unrestrained evil of man's Nature, is the women becoming depraved. Why? Because the women usually fall last. They fall shortly before that society does. We're there. For decades, the rise of 'gurl power' has been throwing men to the wayside. Men, especially white men, are being degraded by society and blamed for all its evils. Masculinity is deemed a bad thing that must be destroyed. We see the rise of spineless, effeminate 'men', who grovel before all women in a truly sad bid for their acceptance. We see CHILDREN fed this propaganda so they'll be easy to convert to this LGBTQ+ evil.  We see the demonization of straight men, especially those who follow Christ. We see the insanity and anti-science of the so-called 'trans' movement. We see men, claiming that they're women, competing against women and destroying them. The

I Don't Care Anymore

 Nope. I don't care anymore. This Nation is done. It is God's Judgment on a Nation that has turned away from Him and gone after false gods. The United States has become a Nation that calls perversion and vice 'good' and wholesomeness bad. It is a Nation filled with envious people who fight for the right to sacrifice children to Baal/Molech. A Nation that no longer cares about corruption and graft. A Nation that no longer rewards hard, honest work but rather seems to see laziness as noble. A Nation that coddles the violent if they are of the correct political persuasion. A Nation that degrades fatherhood and men in general. A Nation filled with churches that call themselves 'christian' but are in fact Satanic. Yes. God has pronounced Judgment on this Nation. The spiral downward will only get worse. Many will continue to deny it and vote for the evil ones in charge. Me? I care only about God and His Word. Nothing else matters. Ramble Ends.

Because they are EVIL.

  They ARE evil , yet many will ignore it. Many would rather not be told the truth. Why? As the prophet Jeremiah says "The heart of man is evil, who can know it?" Man's heart IS evil. The Bible tells us this. A Biblical worldview tells you this. The Law of God is written on the heart of man. His heart is evil because he KNOWS this and yet ignores it. Do not trust your heart. Rather, trust in God and His ways.  Ramble Ends.

Why there can't be Utopia

 Leftists want to build a Utopia. One where everything is 'Fair', whatever that means to them. Everyone makes the same, and all have housing, food, medical care, etc. A benevolent National Government doles out everything and we all live happily ever after. Unfortunately, it NEVER works out that way. It can work for a few years and then it crashes. Why? Human Nature. The mistake so many Leftists make, likely because they weren't taught it in the propaganda mills we call Education, is that Socialism pretty much always fails. Look at the Soviet Union, which was already in trouble by the time Stalin died. For a more recent example, look to Venezuela. It was a wealthy Nation at one time, rich in oil resources, and had a growing and thriving middle class. Things were good. Then, along comes Hugo Chavez, a Socialist, who convinced everyone that he could make it better! That everyone deserved a piece of the pie! These people never heard former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's

China Declares War on SIMPS


Ah, Regrets...

 It's interesting that as we get older and approach the latter days of our lives that we sometimes ponder what might have been. For myself, I wish I had learned other languages. That I'd have gone to college and followed my love of History. Alas, I didn't, and those days are long past. The regrets we live with. Oh, there are others to be sure. I wish I'd have married and had kids. I wish ...  Wishes that didn't happen. They can be a plague on your soul if you dwell on them overmuch. There's nothing wrong with wondering what might have been. That said, feel the regret, acknowledge it, and then move on. You are where you are because of the decisions you've made. Best to own them and then live your life. Do your best and live to glorify God. This is the chief end of man and his reason for existence. Glorify God. Not man, in all his fallen ingloriousness. No, glorify Him who created you, who is worthy of ALL honor. Truly, there is nothing better than this. Rambl

Further Decline

 It is fascinating and at the same time, sad to watch a Nation destroy itself. A large percentage of Americans have bought The Narrative put forth by the entire propaganda divisions of the Left. The 'Mainstream Media', all areas of 'Education', as well as Leftists in many departments of Government have been non-stop. So many people are incurious and will not bother to check for themselves. They just follow blindly. No amount of facts will dissuade them from their beliefs. Edward Bernays started it and Joseph Goebbels perfected it. When using propaganda you must saturate people with it across all spectrums. You must demonize any dissenting voice, trusting that the majority of people won't bother to look at, or even entertain facts proving otherwise. That is how you get a population to go along with destroying The Other. This is how millions get rounded up, put in camps, and eventually slaughtered. One merely needs to read History to see this. Of course, since the Lef

The Great Sifting of The Lord

 There is a great sifting going on in America. It is a sifting of the church. True believers will be sifted from false as the persecution grows. The wheat will be separated from the chaff. Those who call themselves Christians because it's convenient and gives them good 'feels' will find it harder to maintain as the enmity grows. They will have to make a choice; do they REALLY believe what they claim? For a time has been coming where The True Church will face opposition. Coming? It's already begun. Any believer who holds to Biblical Truths regarding sex and gender, sin, good morals, and the like are already finding themselves squeezed. The Church in America has become the whore spoken of in Scripture. Many have prostituted themselves to The World in a vain attempt to have the world at large 'like' them. The True Church is hated by the World because it testifies against it. The World will NOT suffer that. One need only look to the LGBTQ+ crowd to see that. Any who

Don't Take The Bait | Doug Wilson


Leftism. The Same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

 I always say that Leftism is evil and Of the Devil. It's divisive and tyrannical and destroys whatever it touches. It pollutes and ruins every people that buy into its Lie. People like to ignorantly claim that Nazis were right-wing. That is a lie. They were the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. They clashed with the Communists because THEY wanted the power. Nonetheless, they were all about the Government controlling everything. They do this by dividing people. They fence off one group and blame that group for every ill of Society at Large. They marginalize them and spread an overwhelming amount of propaganda blaming them. Then, they tend to kill them, or put them in 'camps'. The Nazis did this, the Bolsheviks did this, and Communist revolutions everywhere do this.  So. How does this apply to the United States? Are you white, and NOT a Lefty? Then EVERYTHING is your fault. All the ills of the US, as well as the rest of the world, are your fault. Whiteness is the root