Leftism. The Same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

 I always say that Leftism is evil and Of the Devil. It's divisive and tyrannical and destroys whatever it touches. It pollutes and ruins every people that buy into its Lie. People like to ignorantly claim that Nazis were right-wing. That is a lie. They were the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. They clashed with the Communists because THEY wanted the power. Nonetheless, they were all about the Government controlling everything. They do this by dividing people. They fence off one group and blame that group for every ill of Society at Large. They marginalize them and spread an overwhelming amount of propaganda blaming them. Then, they tend to kill them, or put them in 'camps'. The Nazis did this, the Bolsheviks did this, and Communist revolutions everywhere do this. 

So. How does this apply to the United States? Are you white, and NOT a Lefty? Then EVERYTHING is your fault. All the ills of the US, as well as the rest of the world, are your fault. Whiteness is the root cause of all evil according to the Woke Left. Are you Black, but think for yourself? It's because of Whiteness. Why do blacks commit crimes in higher numbers than any demographic in the Nation? Because Whiteness. Black on Asian crime? It's the fault of whites. Balck on black crime, out-of-wedlock birth rates, drug use? Whiteness. It's ALL the fault of whites. This is being indoctrinated into children at an early age. THEY are responsible simply because they're white! The KKK, whose origin is the Democrat Party, says this about anyone not white, except for Jews. Leftists are feeling so comfortable these days that so-called teachers in 'Higher Education' feel no compunction to say that whites should give everything to people of color, some going so far as to say it's ok to want to kill white people, or that whites should kill themselves. These evil bastards are 'teaching' the next generations!

So what does this portend for the future? Unless it's resisted and CRUSHED mercilessly, it will lead to the next Holocaust. Personally, I think we are already past the tipping point. Leftism has infected every area of life. We used to be able to get away from politics when watching sports. No more. The same goes for Social Media. Anyone not Leftist is subject to shadow banning and outright censorship, right up to and including de-platforming and banning. You are not allowed to post anything contrary to the Leftist Narrative. It's even infected Tech reviewers. I unfollowed two last night as they went into politics and they were following the Narrative re; the CCP Virus. The only way to escape it is to completely get off-line and read books. This is NOT a Brave New World we're approaching. Rather, it's a Dystopian Nightmare that was completely predictable. We have no one to blame but ourselves. God help us.

Ramble Ends.


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