End of Year Thoughts

 What a year it has been. Trump will likely be inaugurated on Jan 20th. I say likely as the Left isn't as vanquished as so many crow about. They have no inkling just how deeply corrupted the bureaucracy, aka The Swamp, is nor how many politicians are corrupted. Also, those corrupt politicians wouldn't be there but for an oblivious or corrupted electorate. Do you see where this is going? As a Nation, we are fundamentally corrupt. We've pulled away from God and decided WE know best. We've seen the results of this across the entire spectrum of our Nation and Culture. That is, those of us with our eyes open. There is no area of life that has not been touched by this evil. When so-called teachers are pushing 'trans' on children, and many are just fine with that, then you know just how low we've sunk. Yet, there are lower levels to be reached. 

I keep hearing people say that with the election of Trump, Wokeness, DEI, etc have all been repudiated and we're on a new path. Really? That's the same mistake people made when Reagan was elected and look at us now. The Conservative Resurgence at the Southern Baptist Convention had people spouting the same nonsense. Now, the SBC has gone even further left and is pulling away from Scripture. They are not the only ones. Many Denominations have strayed from the One True God and His rule. They are fine with all sorts of perversion. They are liked by The World because of their so-called enlightened stances. Their congregants are so blinded that they don't notice they're on the broad way to damnation. I guess they missed the Scripture that said "Friendship with the World is enmity with God." Their Jesus is a gushy girl-like Jesus who is just fine with everyone. I guess they also missed where Jesus told his disciples that The World hates him because he tells them their deeds are evil and that the World will hate them too. 

The point is that the Left, wherever it sets down roots, NEVER truly dies. Or quits. It hides for a bit, and slowly worms its way back in. There is no quick, decisive victory to be won over the evil that is Leftism. It's an ongoing war. We STILL haven't learned that. I doubt that we're capable of learning it. Why? Because we are rebellious to a fault. Ancient Israel actually SAW the manifested Presence of the One True God IN THEIR MIDST! They saw wonders we can't imagine in our small, modern minds, and still they rebelled! Every time they cried out to God for rescue they'd renew their commitment to follow His Laws and Statutes. Then, within one or two generations, after a time of ease and plenty, they'd once again rebel and dive into perversions and abominations. It is a recurring pattern of History. We are NO different. 

The only answer for this or any other Nation is to repent and cry out to God for Mercy. Nothing short of that will turn things around in this Nation or this world. Period, end of story. We've a long way to go for that to happen, as well as many dark times ahead. So keep your trust and faith in Him who suffered for you. Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ of God. He is the very incarnation of the Living God. He took our sins upon himself and paid the penalty for OUR transgressions. He paid with His blood the price we could not. Then He arose on the 3rd day and sits at the right hand of God Almighty. We will, all of us, one day face His righteous Judgement. On that day, you will be without excuse. Turn to Him now and seek His forgiveness and Grace. He is faithful to forgive. 


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