Why there can't be Utopia

 Leftists want to build a Utopia. One where everything is 'Fair', whatever that means to them. Everyone makes the same, and all have housing, food, medical care, etc. A benevolent National Government doles out everything and we all live happily ever after. Unfortunately, it NEVER works out that way. It can work for a few years and then it crashes. Why? Human Nature.

The mistake so many Leftists make, likely because they weren't taught it in the propaganda mills we call Education, is that Socialism pretty much always fails. Look at the Soviet Union, which was already in trouble by the time Stalin died. For a more recent example, look to Venezuela. It was a wealthy Nation at one time, rich in oil resources, and had a growing and thriving middle class. Things were good. Then, along comes Hugo Chavez, a Socialist, who convinced everyone that he could make it better! That everyone deserved a piece of the pie! These people never heard former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's quote "The only problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." So true. Venezuela is now a hell hole where people are starving. They elected Chavez, and then Maduro. They elected those that are killing them.

Which leads us to the other problem with so-called Utopias. Human Nature. Don't feel bad, Peace Activists make the same error in judgment here. You see, they seem to think that people are good. Now, many of them are, by our human standard. The problem is, there will ALWAYS be those who wish to rule over others, who want more power, money, and things. They hide it well until they get to a certain point. Then, free speech comes under attack, unless it's the approved speech, the Freedom of assembly, and equal enforcement of the Law goes away. Some poor group is made into 'The Other' and all the ills of the World at Large. If they weren't in the way ... Eventually, people start disappearing. Oh, they were the wrong sort for this Utopia. They were guilty of Bad-Think, they just wouldn't come around to the 'approved' way of thinking and speaking. They wouldn't 'bend the knee' as it were. So, they have to be taken out. 

It happens all the time. Man is NOT basically good. Human History is replete with examples of this, which is why wars happen. You can cower and become a slave, or you can fight to be free. Back to Humans. By God's standards, I speak of the One True God of Christianity, we are all cursed with evil thoughts. As the Apostle Paul put it "There is no one righteous, no, not even one! There is none who seek after God" He was quoting the Old Testament, so this is not a new belief. It is as true as true can get. We are ALL of us fallen sinners. God is the Standard, not man. Also, Socialism hates any god but itself, so Christianity must be snuffed out. They always fail in that as well. 

To my view, Leftism as a whole is of Satan. It is evil to its very core. Yet, I also believe God has given us over, withdrawn His restraining grace, and that things are going to get much worse. This is only the beginning of His judgment. It will sift the true Christian from the false. It will also sift the weak from the strong. Whether or not we come out the other side as free or slave remains to be seen. It will take a great deal of repentance for God to save us. Only He can. Only time will tell.

Ramble Ends.


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