Gurl Power and Other Insanity

 Pastor John MacArthur said one of the greatest signs of a Nation under God's Judgment, a Nation 'given over' to the unrestrained evil of man's Nature, is the women becoming depraved. Why? Because the women usually fall last. They fall shortly before that society does. We're there. For decades, the rise of 'gurl power' has been throwing men to the wayside. Men, especially white men, are being degraded by society and blamed for all its evils. Masculinity is deemed a bad thing that must be destroyed. We see the rise of spineless, effeminate 'men', who grovel before all women in a truly sad bid for their acceptance. We see CHILDREN fed this propaganda so they'll be easy to convert to this LGBTQ+ evil.

 We see the demonization of straight men, especially those who follow Christ. We see the insanity and anti-science of the so-called 'trans' movement. We see men, claiming that they're women, competing against women and destroying them. The depraved praise them for this. What? A man who says he's a woman and fought in the ring has fractured the skulls of two of HIS female opponents! Of 'she's' so brave and an example to all of us! Makes ya sick. He's not a woman. HE is a mentally ill MAN who just got cheered on for physically beating up a woman. Makes ya proud, don't it?! That is how sick our society is and it will only get worse. 

You can warn people about these evils, as well as others that are manifestly obvious, but the depravity has such a hold that they won't listen. For the true believer and follower of Christ and the One True God, we must remain firm and stand against this. You are either friends with the World or friends of God. There is NO middle ground. Many so-called 'churches' are siding with the World. They pervert the Gospel and try to be accepted by pagans. As Jesus said, it would be better to have a millstone tied around their necks and cast into the ocean than the punishment they'll receive. It'll be worse for the faux 'pastor' who engages in this. They will face greater judgment for their evil in leading many astray. God will NOT be mocked. And He repays.

Ramble Ends.


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