The Great Sifting of The Lord

 There is a great sifting going on in America. It is a sifting of the church. True believers will be sifted from false as the persecution grows. The wheat will be separated from the chaff. Those who call themselves Christians because it's convenient and gives them good 'feels' will find it harder to maintain as the enmity grows. They will have to make a choice; do they REALLY believe what they claim? For a time has been coming where The True Church will face opposition. Coming? It's already begun. Any believer who holds to Biblical Truths regarding sex and gender, sin, good morals, and the like are already finding themselves squeezed. The Church in America has become the whore spoken of in Scripture. Many have prostituted themselves to The World in a vain attempt to have the world at large 'like' them. The True Church is hated by the World because it testifies against it. The World will NOT suffer that.

One need only look to the LGBTQ+ crowd to see that. Any who stand on Scripture to warn of those great sins is vilified and mocked. They are threatened with physical harm and the loss of their livelihood. Much of the church has become Apostate. They 'ordain' women, and open homosexuals and lesbians as 'pastors'. They abominate the God-ordained state of marriage by 'marrying' gays. They tell people that a man can become a woman and vice versa, and they foist this lie on CHILDREN! They refuse to fight the slaughter of millions of the unborn on the altar of Molech and euphemistically call it 'Health care'! They blatantly thumb their collective noses at God in these actions. They prove themselves false by this rotten fruit. They condemn to destruction the very people they are called to spread the Gospel too! They call this Love! Jesus condemned the Pharisees of this. These apostates and false teachers make these others twice the sons of hell they are. We are warned in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths." Is this not what we're seeing? 

There are myriad false teachers in this Nation today, and their number grows. They find multitudes of undiscerning 'christians' who are in search of a feeling, an experience. They will NOT stand sound Doctrine. They consider it unloving and judgemental. They know not Scripture for they do not study. Try and correct them and see what you get. They have become futile in thought, like much of the rest of the population. This infection of false gospels also spreads from this nation to the world at large. It misleads many others in poorer nations. This is Satan's plan. He has always sought to destroy the Church from the inside. He could not do this were it not allowed by God, however. God's judgment on the Church is due to the hardness of hearts that seek after feelings rather than knowledge of Him. All one needs to know about God, his plan, his attributes, his glory, is right there for us in His Word! Yet, for so many, that is not enough. They are easily led astray.

The remedy? Prayer. Holding fast to His Word. Perseverance in these troubled times that will continually get worse. Continue to speak the Truth. Remember, our reward is NOT in this world, contrary to what the likes of Hinn, Copeland, Osteen, Meyer, Moore, or Dollar would tell you. They are sons and daughters of Hell and will be harshly judged for their transgressions. You remain True to His word, rightly dividing and teaching it.

Ramble Ends


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