I Don't Care Anymore

 Nope. I don't care anymore. This Nation is done. It is God's Judgment on a Nation that has turned away from Him and gone after false gods. The United States has become a Nation that calls perversion and vice 'good' and wholesomeness bad. It is a Nation filled with envious people who fight for the right to sacrifice children to Baal/Molech. A Nation that no longer cares about corruption and graft. A Nation that no longer rewards hard, honest work but rather seems to see laziness as noble. A Nation that coddles the violent if they are of the correct political persuasion. A Nation that degrades fatherhood and men in general. A Nation filled with churches that call themselves 'christian' but are in fact Satanic. Yes. God has pronounced Judgment on this Nation. The spiral downward will only get worse. Many will continue to deny it and vote for the evil ones in charge. Me? I care only about God and His Word. Nothing else matters.

Ramble Ends.


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