Gurl Power part 2

 Have you noticed over the years that many movies and TV shows almost always show women as superior and men as either evil or buffoons? It's also invaded comic books. Not just Gurl Power either, but the LGBTQ+ saints? They've also gone woke. I find many of today's movies and shows unwatchable, just as I no longer watch sports due to the woke bs. I've had it with the lies and bullshite. Female  'hero's beating up men? Really? You can take the best TRUE female MMA fighter and she'd likely lose to a lower-tier male. It's happened to women's professional teams a number of times. One lost to a High School BOYS team! And some think they should be paid the same as men? It's insane. Then again, so is allowing MEN who claim they are women to compete against REAL female athletes. There are a couple of a$$hole, mentally ill men who have seriously hurt women in WOMEN'S Boxing and MMA! Not a peep from so-called 'feminists'. So now a man can beat up a woman if he claims he's Transgender. This is God's Judgment, plain and simple. He has given the US, and much of the West over and allowed the evil to increase. The signs are all over the place. Many, sadly, are so far gone that they are blinded. That includes any Apostate church that allows women and gay pastors, and practicing homosexuals to have ANY position other than repentant sinner! These are hard things but it's past time they were said, clearly and unabashedly. God will not be mocked. 

The foolish churches in the US have perverted the Gospel and are trying to be friends with the World. That opens them to the wrath of a Holy God. There is also a harsher judgment on the so-called shepherds of the flock. It is past time for the Church to stop being concerned with how they are perceived by The World and concentrate on being faithful to God! Less Osteen and Warren, Hinn and Copeland, and MORE Johnathan Edwars' Sinners in the hands of an angry God. "Do you not know that friendship with the World is enmity with God?" These wolves in sheep's clothing preach nothing but love and acceptance, that God loves everyone. Paul Washer has said, "because God loves he MUST hate!" What does he hate? SIN! Unrepentant, ongoing sin! You've heard the canard "hate the sin, love the sinner."? Excuse me, but it is the sinner God sends to Hell! Is it loving to lie to someone and tell them that God loves them just as they are? That lie will send them to Hell! The Church has lost the knowledge that God is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY! But you say "Jesus died for everyone's sins! John 3:16!!" To which I reply, did you miss the part that said, "that WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE."? Whoever BELIEVES in him. If you believe in him, you MUST repent of your sins. You may be called as you are but you MUST change for Him. He does NOT change for YOU! Scripture says, "He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow!" The Bible is NOT about YOU! It is about God, His creation, and His son's redemption of said creation. Jesus came to save his sheep. "His sheep hear his voice!" The goats end up in Hell! Jesus said, "Broad is the way and broad is the gate that leads to destruction, and MANY enter therein. Narrow is the way and narrow is the gate that leads to eternal life, and FEW find it." Don't believe the lie that everyone will be saved. That is from Satan, the Father of Lies. He has infiltrated the Church.

Lord, have mercy on us sinners! So many have been blinded and have created a god in their OWN image. Have mercy and open their eyes and hearts! In the name of you blessed son Jesus, my Lord and Savior, Amen.

Ramble Ends.


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