Why is America doomed?

 We all like to blame politicians for the ills of the Nation, especially these days. After all, they are SO easy to blame. They are evil, corrupt, venal, and vain. They are power-hungry and want control, not only over your lives either. Yet, they would not be in office were it not for We the People. Yes. WE are to blame. Although, not totally. A Nation such as the United States could not rot so fast from her beginnings if something else had not started rotting first. What is that 'something'? The Church. Yes, the Christian church. Had not the Church fallen away from the True Gospel, we would not be in this mess. We would not have the sexual perversion and insanity we have, nor would we have nearly the amount of corruption and evil that exists throughout EVERY government entity, from Local, all the way to the Federal Government.

An extreme view you say? Not at all. The Church used to be the bulwark protecting society from most evil. It molded the overall character of American Society at large. No, everyone was not a Christian, but the majority were, some nominally for convenience, most, true. Then, the Church started trying to be friends with the world. They forgot Scriptures warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. They started easing back on condemnation of sins such as homosexuality, fornication, divorce, etc. They began 'ordaining' women as pastors and allowed homosexuals and lesbians to become pastors and bishops, despite what Scripture ordains. They started saying the murder of the unborn was ok. They denied hell and judgment and started claiming that God will accept you as you are. After all, God is love, right? In other words, they allowed Satan, the accuser and father of lies into the church. The heresy and rank apostasy has only grown. They created a new commandment; Thou shalt be nice. They've defined that as not telling anyone that they are in deep, unrepentant sin and in danger of the fires of Hell and damnation. They ignore that Jesus spoke a LOT about hell. So who's to blame? We are, for being Biblically ignorant and undiscerning. For not holding our pastors accountable for what they preach and teach. We are because we've turned away from God and His Law. He is judging us and has given us over.

Ramble Ends.


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