Ah, Regrets...

 It's interesting that as we get older and approach the latter days of our lives that we sometimes ponder what might have been. For myself, I wish I had learned other languages. That I'd have gone to college and followed my love of History. Alas, I didn't, and those days are long past. The regrets we live with. Oh, there are others to be sure. I wish I'd have married and had kids. I wish ... 

Wishes that didn't happen. They can be a plague on your soul if you dwell on them overmuch. There's nothing wrong with wondering what might have been. That said, feel the regret, acknowledge it, and then move on. You are where you are because of the decisions you've made. Best to own them and then live your life. Do your best and live to glorify God. This is the chief end of man and his reason for existence. Glorify God. Not man, in all his fallen ingloriousness. No, glorify Him who created you, who is worthy of ALL honor. Truly, there is nothing better than this.

Ramble Ends.


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