Whom can you Trust?

 Not so long ago there was a 'Back the Blue' movement. It started earlier but really gained steam after the death of Saint George Floyd. After Floyd died while in custody Defund the Police was born. The media, as well as many in 'Officialdom' flat out lied or mischaracterized the incident. Many Politicians jumped on the bandwagon sensing another crisis they couldn't let go to waste. Many cities started cutting police budgets and handcuffing their departments. They allowed rioters to burn, pillage, loot, and murder with impunity. The Propaganda Arm of The Party dutifully lied about the riots calling them "Mostly peaceful" as the smoke from burned businesses wafted into the morning air and the sirens of the ambulances hauling away the murdered faded. BLM and Anti-Fa were portrayed as righteous Freedom Fighters instead of the Marxist thugs and Brownshirts they are. All CCP Virus restrictions didn't apply to them, so (un)holy was their cause. 

So, many a city defunded their police and/or put them under the auspices of the woke-est of the woke for 'retraining'. Many officers left rather than participate in the insanity. Those that stayed? Not the kind of folks you'd want to put your trust in. In those cities, crime has skyrocketed. Across the board there are increases. Homeless encampments popped up in many a genteel neighborhood but most residents did not DARE to speak out about the feces, drugs, and other crimes that entered their enclaves.  In those neighborhoods, it is no longer safe to let your kids go to the local park. Cops do nothing. In fact, if any group tries to protest against The Party, their BLM/Anti-Fa Stormtroops show up and attack the other side while the cops stand by and do nothing! Any rally that is counter to The Party is likely infiltrated by Federal Agencies also peopled by The Woke. Agencies who've been shown to be corrupt and anti-Liberty. 

All across The West we're seeing Law Enforcement side with Tyrants. Just look at Australia. Do you think that can't happen here? There used to be many things we didn't think could happen here, but they are. Cops as enforcers for The Party? Yep. Me? I no longer trust ANY entity of ANY government. Not Local, not State, and most definitely NOT Federal. If you do, you're either a fool or a supporter of The Party. My blinders came off some time back. Never again.

Ramble Ends.


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