Further Decline

 It is fascinating and at the same time, sad to watch a Nation destroy itself. A large percentage of Americans have bought The Narrative put forth by the entire propaganda divisions of the Left. The 'Mainstream Media', all areas of 'Education', as well as Leftists in many departments of Government have been non-stop. So many people are incurious and will not bother to check for themselves. They just follow blindly. No amount of facts will dissuade them from their beliefs. Edward Bernays started it and Joseph Goebbels perfected it. When using propaganda you must saturate people with it across all spectrums. You must demonize any dissenting voice, trusting that the majority of people won't bother to look at, or even entertain facts proving otherwise. That is how you get a population to go along with destroying The Other. This is how millions get rounded up, put in camps, and eventually slaughtered. One merely needs to read History to see this.

Of course, since the Left controls the schools and Universities, THEY decide what gets taught. They decide how History is presented. They can twist, or Memory Hole it to fit their needs, as well as the direction they want to steer people in. For instance, since there is still a presence of some media that hasn't fallen, we find a story that Larry Elder, who is running for Governor of California against Gavin Newsom, was assaulted by a woman wearing a gorilla mask who started throwing eggs at him, followed by someone else doing the same. You may not think much of it until you learn that Elder is black and the woman in the GORILLA mask is white. Had the roles been reversed, say a black LEFTIST pol you would see it plastered all over the MSM for the next couple of weeks! Since it was a Republican, crickets. This holds true across many spectrums. There have been many 'stories' of racism against blacks in colleges and work areas that hit what passes for news in this Nation, only to later be found to be lies. Done by the so-called victims themselves. Of, you won't see that plastered on tv or in the papers. We all have family members who've been captured by this. They will NOT listen to any facts you present.

Of course, those of us who have studied even a little History know where this leads. So we, like Don Quixote, continue to charge forth. Like Sysiphus we keep pushing the facts knowing, deep down, that it is too late. Only a miracle of God could wake this Nation. Unfortunately, what is happening is His punishment. Oh, so-called 'progressive christians' would tell you different but then, they worship a different god, have a different gosple. Nonetheless, we have been Judged and God's punishment is a terrible thing to behold and go through. As I've stated many times, we have been "given over". He has removed His restraining grace and left us to our fallen selves. The perversion and evil is only going to get worse. So, for those who truly know Him, stay faithful. Remember, we are saved by the blood of Christ. Our destination is different from theirs. Warn them, do not be afraid to tell others the TRUE Good News. We've read His Word and we knew this was coming. Stand.

Ramble Ends.


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