
Showing posts from May, 2021

Observations of the Death of a Nation

 The United States is gone. The one I grew up in is severely wounded and turning gangrenous. The Woke/White Privilege infection, the LGBTQABCDEFG+ insanity, and Leftism have so infected and poisoned our society at large that it likely cannot recover. These poisons are by design and are injected into nearly every area of life in The West. There are too few willing to stand against it and it will end in darkness. Think about it. This insanity seeps in nearly everywhere in our daily lives. We as a nation have allowed it in schools for DECADES! Is it any wonder that kids and the younger generations can't reason it out and see the destructive power of it? They've been indoctrinated since childhood in this poisoned thinking. They were not taught to think and reason. They were fed the propaganda incessantly and it is all they know. They've been programmed to 'think' that any who disagree are evil. That they are 'The Other'.  When other societies have reached this p

Yes, Man is Thoroughly Depraved

 If you need any further proof that the Bible is correct,  look no further.  Here is a snippet of the article; The 2020 paper's authors studiously avoid mentioning the most obvious use case for a self-disseminating vaccine: disease control for human populations.  Instead, throughout the paper (and in related earlier ones, as well as in the PREEMPT materials), the scientists act as if this possibility has not even crossed their minds, and they speak only of tailoring their masterpiece viruses to the vaccination of wild animals, or, as they put it, "proactively vaccinating the animal reservoir." In one spot, though, the authors seem to suffer a curious slip of the tongue as they discuss "whom" to directly vaccinate rather than "which wild animals".  Could it be that they have human experimentation on their minds after all? Much like the gain-of-function work that likely led to COVID, these new reports on self-spreading vaccines submerge deeply disturbing


 I find it interesting that the CDC is 'relaxing' their guidelines. I'm also amused that after all their screwups and direction changes that people still trust them. The same goes for the Main Stream Media and politicians. These people have flat-out lied and intentionally mislead through this whole circle-jerk, yet people still trust them. Amazing how gullible people have become as well as how incurious. That lack of curiosity, that lack of questioning ANYTHING, is how societies fall into tyranny. Then there are the 'woke' folks in corporate America. I've seen employers who will allow employees who've gotten 'vaccinated' to go maskless. Oh, they aren't openly mandating that employees get the shot, yet, but they'll endeavor to make it difficult on any who refuse. Me? I'm no one's Guinea Pig. See me in 5 years. I recently drove to southern Louisiana to visit family. Yes. I drove. I do that once a year but wish I could go more. I also dr

The Days We Live In

 "May you live in interesting times." The origins of this saying are a bit obscure. It is often mistaken for a blessing but it is actually a curse. We are living in 'interesting times' now. We live in a time where words and phrases don't mean what we think they do. Language should be precise. It should be understood in terms everyone understands so that we can communicate with clarity. The definitions and meanings should be the same no matter who is speaking otherwise you set yourself up for any number of misunderstandings. It also makes speaking falsehoods and hiding flat-out lies much easier. This is what we are seeing today. Especially from the Leftism that is destroying reasonable debate in this Nation. We can't debate policies and issues when the terms one side uses don't mean the same to the other side. Clarity and honesty go out the window. There are many examples of this ranging from Politics and Woke 'culture' to the so-called media to rel

White = Other

 I hope people have been paying attention to this whole BLM/antifa/CRT/Woke ascendancy. If you haven't, you're in for a rude awakening. To be white is to be 'The Other'. To be white is to be the devil. To be white is to be a member of the ONLY ethnicity to EVER be guilty of slavery and 'racism'. If you don't believe me, just check out what these folks have said and written. What does a society such as ours is becoming do with/to The Other? Read some History. Germany and the Soviet Union, The Killing Fields of Laos and Cambodia, North Korea and China, ALL of these are good examples of what one does with The Other. "It can't happen here!" you say? If you believe that, you've not been paying attention. Don't feel bad about that. You are NOT unique. People who do have always been called 'alarmist' or 'conspiracy theorists'. Most people are clueless. One need only watch the docility with which people have caved to the Covid r

Beware the 'Woke Church'!

 It's coming. It's growing and infecting at growing levels. Critical Race Theory and anti-racism will cause another split in the church. As woke-ness claims more pastors, this poison will be injected into many a church. Due to the lack of Biblical Literacy in the West, many will be deceived. You can warn about it all day long, but the 'gospel' of Hippy Jesus has been too long at the forefront. The love Jesus that never calls on YOU to change, that accepts you 'just the way you are'. The God who is only love with no wrath, who would never condemn someone to hell. Now we have the "all whites are racist 'gospel'". That whites have used the Gospel to perpetuate slavery and are hopelessly lost in racism. Beware of this poison. When it starts, you can warn people. Maybe some will listen. If not, leave.  You will soon become a pariah if you stay. Woke-ness in anti-Christ, anti-Biblical. It is a different gospel and it fools people because it sounds go

How can I say that the US is done?

 All one need do is look at what the fraud Fauchi says and then realize that people actually still LISTEN to him and to the CDC. That so many have completely abandoned reason and critical thinking is, in some ways, quite shocking to me. That so many ignore all the lies about the WuFlu, ignore the experimental nature of the shot when there are viable alternatives that are safe, effective AND inexpensive but have been quashed for political and monetary reasons, and STILL trust a media that has been caught in so many lies should tell you all you need to know. Prepare yourselves for the coming increase of evil. Ramble ends.


 Are we thankful for what we have? For gifts from others? Gifts from God? Are we simply grateful for the many blessings we receive? In many cases, we flawed humans tend to add caveats to our thankfulness. We say things like "I appreciate what so-and-so did, but ..." To my way of thinking, this is not being thankful.  When someone offers you a gift, you should accept it in the spirit in which it was given. For instance, if someone invites you over for a meal, be thankful. They did this, in most cases, out of the goodness of their heart. Maybe it's not up to YOUR standards, but it's the best they can offer.  Be grateful. Simply grateful. See the offering of their heart, not the 'quality' of the offering.  The same goes for God's blessings in our lives. The very breath you breathe is a blessing provided by God. The ability to get out of bed and eat and go to work is a blessing. A job is a blessing.  The willingness to GO to said job is a blessing. When so man

1 Corinthians 5:9-13

9 I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people; 10 I did not at all mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the greedy and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. 11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is a sexually immoral person, or greedy, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler⁠—not even to eat with such a one. 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Are you not to judge those who are within the church ? 13 But those who are outside, God will judge. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves . For those who mistakenly say Christinas shouldn't judge, this should clear it up. Paul speaks of judging believers in the church, that God judges those outside the church. Also, we must go out intoThe World or we cannot follow the great commission to spread the Gospel. We are IN the World, not OF the World. There is a distinction here.

Where are we headed?

 That sure is a loaded question. I already think the US is headed for the toilet. This temper tantrum that caused the election of the current Regime is the final straw. If its actions so far don't convince one of that, just wait. There will be more. No, I speak of the Church. Specifically, the Christian Church.  What can be seen is the infection of Leftism turning an already poisoned and divided community. We see false teaching rampant and discernment at an all time low. Jesus is doing some winnowing. There is no other way to explain the likes of Hinn, Osteen, Copeland, Meyers, Moore, et al and their massive followings. There is no other explanation for so-called 'christian' churches completely throwing out the Biblical prohibition against homosexuals and false marriage as well as women pastors.  These false churches have also bought into the 'trans' nonsense. Satan is making many inroads into leading people astray with the religion of 'niceness'.  Many have