Where are we headed?

 That sure is a loaded question. I already think the US is headed for the toilet. This temper tantrum that caused the election of the current Regime is the final straw. If its actions so far don't convince one of that, just wait. There will be more. No, I speak of the Church. Specifically, the Christian Church. 

What can be seen is the infection of Leftism turning an already poisoned and divided community. We see false teaching rampant and discernment at an all time low. Jesus is doing some winnowing. There is no other way to explain the likes of Hinn, Osteen, Copeland, Meyers, Moore, et al and their massive followings. There is no other explanation for so-called 'christian' churches completely throwing out the Biblical prohibition against homosexuals and false marriage as well as women pastors.  These false churches have also bought into the 'trans' nonsense. Satan is making many inroads into leading people astray with the religion of 'niceness'.  Many have created a god of their own making who would NEVER judge people as in violation of His law, much less condemn them too any kind of hell. No, he's a nice and loving god. No wrath, no judgement, and definitely NO condemnation. This kind of god leads to a murderous hell. Many will find this out due to lack of discernment. Unfortunately, everyone will pay the price of this folly. Ramble ends. 


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