
 I find it interesting that the CDC is 'relaxing' their guidelines. I'm also amused that after all their screwups and direction changes that people still trust them. The same goes for the Main Stream Media and politicians. These people have flat-out lied and intentionally mislead through this whole circle-jerk, yet people still trust them. Amazing how gullible people have become as well as how incurious. That lack of curiosity, that lack of questioning ANYTHING, is how societies fall into tyranny. Then there are the 'woke' folks in corporate America. I've seen employers who will allow employees who've gotten 'vaccinated' to go maskless. Oh, they aren't openly mandating that employees get the shot, yet, but they'll endeavor to make it difficult on any who refuse. Me? I'm no one's Guinea Pig. See me in 5 years.

I recently drove to southern Louisiana to visit family. Yes. I drove. I do that once a year but wish I could go more. I also drive because I won't wear a mask to fly or take the train. I enjoy driving anyway so for me it's a treat. I listen to audiobooks and podcasts on the drive so keeping my mind fresh isn't a problem. I've always enjoyed driving which explains my career as a truck driver. I no longer do that but I miss it sometimes. The long drive serves a couple of purposes. It satisfies my occasional need for the road and it reminds me why I left it in the first place. Over the decades I ran the highways, people steadily became worse drivers. Too many distractions and not enough attention to what they're doing. I am reminded of this every year and have many close calls on the drive. Still, seeing family makes it worthwhile.

Maks. Wearing masks to prevent Covid is like putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitos. All it takes to learn that is a little research. Yes, that's another thing that is being suppressed. Masks are useless except for forcing you to breathe in what you've already expelled. You get less oxygen as well. I weep for the damage done to people because of this stupidity. More so for kids. Their lungs are still developing and prolonged mask usage is very bad for them. Then there is the inability to see faces, integral in learning to read people and know their intent. Yet, again, people go along unthinkingly with the mandates. One wonders what else they'll go along with?

Back to my time with family. There is nothing like hanging out with beloved family. The conversations are always interesting and sometimes spirited. The fellowship of dining together is also wonderful. An added plus is when several members are good cooks! In Louisiana, I get all my Cajun favorites! I absolutely LOVE Shrimp and Grits! Add a side of fried Okra and Onion Rings and I am in nirvana! Then, there are the Shrimp Po Boys! The Gumbo, Red Beans and Rice, Dirty Rice, and many other dishes and one is in hog heaven! The best part is the feeling of being at home. It's relaxing and recharging to one such as me. I much prefer it over any other thing I could do on vacation. Family. Yes!

Well, that's it. Ramble Ends.


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