The Days We Live In

 "May you live in interesting times." The origins of this saying are a bit obscure. It is often mistaken for a blessing but it is actually a curse. We are living in 'interesting times' now. We live in a time where words and phrases don't mean what we think they do. Language should be precise. It should be understood in terms everyone understands so that we can communicate with clarity. The definitions and meanings should be the same no matter who is speaking otherwise you set yourself up for any number of misunderstandings. It also makes speaking falsehoods and hiding flat-out lies much easier. This is what we are seeing today. Especially from the Leftism that is destroying reasonable debate in this Nation.

We can't debate policies and issues when the terms one side uses don't mean the same to the other side. Clarity and honesty go out the window. There are many examples of this ranging from Politics and Woke 'culture' to the so-called media to religion. When the meanings are clouded it's much easier to hide destructive policies. This is exacerbated by an indoctrination system that teaches the young only one side as correct and that ANY disagreement is evil. The young don't question because they weren't taught to think critically or to question things. Their curiosity has been stifled. This paves the way for totalitarianism. We're watching it take over before our very eyes. The news media are mainly a propaganda arm of one political party and one ideology. Dissent is NOT allowed. 

You doubt this? How much dissent have you seen accurately reported and discussed with regards to the Wuhan Flu and the so-called mRNA 'vaccine'? You haven't. There are dissenters out there, from scientists to doctors. Rather than letting them be heard, letting them make their case, they are censored. Their videos are taken down in some cases or their articles are 'disappeared' from publication on the Web. Social media brooks no dissent. Not just on this subject either. Do you hold that there are only 2 genders, Male and Female? That's "bad-think" and is not tolerated by those who demand tolerance. Think that all whites are NOT racist, or that any person, no matter their hue can be racist? You are obviously delusional and a hater.

Have I made my point? Do you see now? Only if you're of a certain age and mindset. This is how Freedom is lost. This is how Liberty dies. Ramble ends


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