Yes, Man is Thoroughly Depraved

 If you need any further proof that the Bible is correct, look no further. Here is a snippet of the article;

The 2020 paper's authors studiously avoid mentioning the most obvious use case for a self-disseminating vaccine: disease control for human populations.  Instead, throughout the paper (and in related earlier ones, as well as in the PREEMPT materials), the scientists act as if this possibility has not even crossed their minds, and they speak only of tailoring their masterpiece viruses to the vaccination of wild animals, or, as they put it, "proactively vaccinating the animal reservoir."

In one spot, though, the authors seem to suffer a curious slip of the tongue as they discuss "whom" to directly vaccinate rather than "which wild animals".  Could it be that they have human experimentation on their minds after all?

Much like the gain-of-function work that likely led to COVID, these new reports on self-spreading vaccines submerge deeply disturbing implications under glimmering professions of virtuous intent.  Even the motivation is similar: that we must artificially create and even release the most transmissible possible pathogen, so that in case it appears naturally, we will be prepared for it.  (Or in this case, "vaccinated" for it.)

Read the whole article and some of the links in it. Scary stuff when you consider how compliant, incurious and unquestioning so much of the populace has become. I've said for more than a decade that we are moving into some seriously dark times, evil times. I hate being right. Ramble Ends.


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