Observations of the Death of a Nation

 The United States is gone. The one I grew up in is severely wounded and turning gangrenous. The Woke/White Privilege infection, the LGBTQABCDEFG+ insanity, and Leftism have so infected and poisoned our society at large that it likely cannot recover. These poisons are by design and are injected into nearly every area of life in The West. There are too few willing to stand against it and it will end in darkness.

Think about it. This insanity seeps in nearly everywhere in our daily lives. We as a nation have allowed it in schools for DECADES! Is it any wonder that kids and the younger generations can't reason it out and see the destructive power of it? They've been indoctrinated since childhood in this poisoned thinking. They were not taught to think and reason. They were fed the propaganda incessantly and it is all they know. They've been programmed to 'think' that any who disagree are evil. That they are 'The Other'. 

When other societies have reached this point, they were only a few SHORT steps away from committing atrocities. It becomes easy to justify the rounding up and either caging or killing The Other. After all, you can't create Utopia without getting rid of dissent. Orwell called it Bad-Think. We see this view in social media, the so-called news outlets, on television, and in movies. It permeates to the point that the programming they've received since youth just accepts it as true. Say anything against The Narrative and you'll become a target for derision and censorship. You'll be blacklisted. 

Look at the insanity that Covid has brought on and exposed. People willingly gave away their rights because of fear brought on by propaganda. People died because of The Narrative. To deny this is to deny reality itself yet millions do. There is no dissent allowed against the fear-mongering or against the need for an experimental shot. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube either censor or outright take down any dissenting views or info. And the majority of people are just fine with that. Where do you think all this will lead? Just read some History and find out. There are many examples. Ramble Ends.


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