
 Are we thankful for what we have? For gifts from others? Gifts from God? Are we simply grateful for the many blessings we receive? In many cases, we flawed humans tend to add caveats to our thankfulness. We say things like "I appreciate what so-and-so did, but ..." To my way of thinking, this is not being thankful.  When someone offers you a gift, you should accept it in the spirit in which it was given. For instance, if someone invites you over for a meal, be thankful. They did this, in most cases, out of the goodness of their heart. Maybe it's not up to YOUR standards, but it's the best they can offer.  Be grateful. Simply grateful. See the offering of their heart, not the 'quality' of the offering. 

The same goes for God's blessings in our lives. The very breath you breathe is a blessing provided by God. The ability to get out of bed and eat and go to work is a blessing. A job is a blessing.  The willingness to GO to said job is a blessing. When so many refuse to work because government is paying them not to, the refusal to suck at Big Brother's teat is a blessing. In this way, you are less likely to become ''kept', to become a slave to The State. THAT, is a blessing to be thankful for.  We are an ungrateful lot. Many of us are blind to the many blessings we have compared to the rest of the world. We would do well to open our eyes.  Ramble ends. 


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