White = Other

 I hope people have been paying attention to this whole BLM/antifa/CRT/Woke ascendancy. If you haven't, you're in for a rude awakening. To be white is to be 'The Other'. To be white is to be the devil. To be white is to be a member of the ONLY ethnicity to EVER be guilty of slavery and 'racism'. If you don't believe me, just check out what these folks have said and written. What does a society such as ours is becoming do with/to The Other? Read some History. Germany and the Soviet Union, The Killing Fields of Laos and Cambodia, North Korea and China, ALL of these are good examples of what one does with The Other. "It can't happen here!" you say? If you believe that, you've not been paying attention. Don't feel bad about that. You are NOT unique. People who do have always been called 'alarmist' or 'conspiracy theorists'. Most people are clueless. One need only watch the docility with which people have caved to the Covid restrictions and have blithely given up their liberties to people who've been shown to be LYING to them. If you're in that camp, you're with the majority of people. Most people don't wake up until it's WAY too late. Ramble Ends. 


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