
Showing posts from April, 2021

Man's most dangerous enemy? HIMSELF!

 I've been watching a number of sermons by Pastor John MacArthur. Some dealing with man's evil nature and God's restraining Grace. It is interesting to me as since I first cried out to Jesus to save me from my sin, I've been growing in Christ. I started out in Charismatic church but grew away from what I saw as many things that just weren't in Scripture. It wasn't through malice that they believed these things, it was to much a concentration on 'feelings'. Scripture tells us to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and all your strength. Many do with their hearts, souls, and strength, but leave out the mind part. Loving the Lord with all your mind means rightly dividing Scripture so that you can't be led astray. It means distinguishing between hyperbole and proper teaching. A good example of this is the scripture selections on tongues. In the book of Acts, we see what they really are, that is, other...

America is done

Pretty much spot on  column on why we're done.

Just curious ...

 So, is this the 'New Reality'? Every time a black person or 'person of color' gets shot by police, it's automatically racist, facts be damned? Sure seems like it. I'm tired of the bull. The flat out lies as well. As humans, we have a certain responsibility for our actions. What we do can have serious consequences. What so many insane leftists seem to be saying is that 'because slavery' or 'because racism', people of color have carte blanche to do anything and not have to deal with ANY consequences. If you disagree with that, YOU are the racist. This is one of the reasons of the fundamental and irreconcilable divide that has ripped this Nation apart. Ripped it apart by design. We are two Nations now and I see no repairing it. We will either have a peaceful break-up or a nasty one. Many seem to want a violent one. When a nation abandons God, He withdraws His Restraining Grace and 'gives over' that Nation. The U.S. has been given over and i...

Don't get it

 I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I am more of a prudent skeptic. These 'vaccines' aren't vaccines. They are experimental mutative etities. People are dying from these things and the media and Government are trying to cover them up. More than 1500 Americans already. Also, with a 99.7+% survivability from this virus, why do you need a shot or multiple shots? Unfortunately, many refuse, FLAT OUT REFUSE to ask questions. Many Americans and Westerners have become compliant sheep who refuse to question their 'Masters'. Not me. I was born a free man, taught to think and question, and I will die as such. We've been lied to ever since this Great Lie began. Yet so many are incurious or refuse to SEE. They just stumble blindly into slavery. It's quite sad to see. So, I won't be a guinea pig. Even if it costs me everything, I will NOT be experimented on.

Change the Culture?

 Some Christians keep saying we have to "change the culture". Really? I have to disagree here. WE can't change the culture. WE can't change men's hearts. As a follower of Christ, you're called to spread the Gospel, the Good News.  You are NOT called to change the culture. God changes men's hearts. He gives certain people a "heart of flesh". He makes those dead in sin come alive to life in Him. People make up the culture. So, if you have more people who hear the Gospel and are changed by the Lord, then, and only then, will the culture begin to change.  The Culture in the U.S. began to change long ago. The rise of 'cultural Christians', those who just said they were Christians because they were raised in a religious home but weren't really believers. They quickly fall away and succumb to the call of The World. It was a falling away. This falling away really accelerated in the 60's. Free sex, abortion, drug use, and the Woke/Social J...

There is nothing new under the sun ...

 Most people will believe anything if you frighten them enough. Their ability to reason has for years been under assault. Who needs to think when you can suspend skepticism and just go along to get along. It's much easier to buy into The Narrative and follow the herd.  This Article  is spot on.  "Someone told me years ago, quite calmly and quietly as I recall, that the US of A was nothing more than a highly successful experiment in mind control. I thought at the time he was right. Now I’m certain. Only a mind-controlled and irrational population can believe, and believe is the active verb here, in a single, overarching and overwhelming threat that does not in fact exist. Only an irrational population continues to put its faith in those who devised and declared this and every other emergency or threat. And only an irrational, thoroughly mind-controlled population remains unaware of the danger implicit in placing the construct called government (or authority or the sta...

Man, I enjoy reading mr. Prelutsky!

“The Democrats want cheap votes; the Republicans want cheap labor.” Burt's latest column

Excellent Interview with Rod Dreher


You are white, therefore you are racist

 Did you get that? It seems to be the latest 'woke' trend coming from the certifiably insane Left these days. If you are white, you are racist by default. All the evils in the world are YOUR fault. No one else can be racist because only whites have power. Black crime through the roof? It's because racism. Every problem in the black/hispanic/asian community is due to whites. Does it matter that most crimes against asians are committed by blacks? No. It's only due to white racism. Math, trees, take your pick, they're all racist.  Do you see what they're doing? They are making whites 'The Other'. Well, only whites who aren't 'woke'. The 'woke' whites are those who 'admit' their privilege and kiss the feet of the 'downtrodden minorities'. Anyone not 'Them' is racist and MUST BE CANCELED. The truly sad part is that they can't see that THEY are the true racists. THEY are the ones making a blanket statement about ...

Therefore God gave them over ...

 They are close to the most feared words in the Bible. What did God give them over to? The lusts of their hearts. A reprobate mind. To all the evil that lies in the heart of Man. His restraining grace is withdrawn, man's evil let loose unhindered. The warnings are clear, as are the results. The Apostle Paul lays it out in Romans 1: 18-32. It perfectly describes what is happening in the US and the majority of the Western World. We have been given over. We are under God's Judgement. It's only going to get uglier than it already is. Wokeness, Leftism, cowardice, crime, perversion, violence, and a people who can no longer think rationally. As a whole, we've abandoned the One True God and erroneously proclaimed that we know better! Now, we shall suffer the folly of that foolishness. All of us. Yet God always has a remnant. ALWAYS. If you have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and repented truthfully, you will be saved. No, not saved from what's about to happen, but save...

You try warning people but they never listen.

Covid Passports coming?  People never listen. Until it's too late. They cry "Conspiracy Theory!" and dismiss it. 

Pastor Matthew Trewhella

Tyranny Rising   Big Government and Business working together to impose tyranny on the US. And people are blind to it.

Separation of Church and State

 It's a statement that many misrepresent. It does not mean what many think it means. The intent of the Founders in inserting that into the Constitution was to prevent the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT from creating an 'Official' Religion of the newly created United States. The founders knew from history how government perverts religion. They knew the Pilgrims fled from State persecution over religion. The Church of England came into being under Henry VIII. He wanted to divorce his wife and the Roman Catholic Church, which held much sway, said no. So, Henry created his own church which became the Anglican Church. In other words, a State Church. Oh, it followed much of the bible but with exceptions. These days the Anglican church as well as its offspring, the Presbyterian Church, have pretty much gone Apostate. That's a story for another day.  The point is that the 1st Amendment PREVENTS the Federal Government from creating a 'Church of the United States'.  It does NOT, desp...

Killing Facebook

 I killed my Facebook page. One day ago. Now I realize how addicting it is. You have thoughts on an issue and an instant audience. It's addicting. So, now that it's gone though not officially for 30 days, you still itch to post. There is so much going on these days and you constantly come across things you want to offer your thoughts on. That said, I've come to understand that most people won't change their minds. They've made them up and no amount of facts or persuasion will change their mind. We are all guilty of that to some extent but these days it seems like it's on steroids. Even when it is so obvious that one side is wrong, they've gone all-in for that thing. Nothing will sway them. Also, these days we see a silencing of what Orwell called "badthink" in 1984. Today, badthink is anything not Leftist. Anything that speaks up against the perversions and evils currently being normalized by our so-called 'Betters'. And they will destroy o...

John MacArthur lays it out.


Witnessing the Destruction

 One of the harder things in life is watching what you've loved destroy itself. That is what America is doing. Destroying itself. Romans 1:18-32 lays it out. When a Nation has progressed past a certain point, He, God, gives them over to the lusts of their heart. This Nation has turned completely away from God. Therefore God has removed what has been called His "restraining Grace". People have been given over to a "reprobate mind". We see this everywhere with the whole LBGT/Woke insanity that is being given power to destroy lives and being pushed on children. We see Cultural Marxism on the rise across every spectrum of life. We even see it now infecting and destroying Christian Churches. We see it used as a wrecking ball on the society at large.  These days, it's being made a sin/curse to be a white person, especially a white male straight christian. This kind of divisiveness, this making one group "The Other" has, throughout history, lead to great ...