Man's most dangerous enemy? HIMSELF!
I've been watching a number of sermons by Pastor John MacArthur. Some dealing with man's evil nature and God's restraining Grace. It is interesting to me as since I first cried out to Jesus to save me from my sin, I've been growing in Christ. I started out in Charismatic church but grew away from what I saw as many things that just weren't in Scripture. It wasn't through malice that they believed these things, it was to much a concentration on 'feelings'. Scripture tells us to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and all your strength. Many do with their hearts, souls, and strength, but leave out the mind part. Loving the Lord with all your mind means rightly dividing Scripture so that you can't be led astray. It means distinguishing between hyperbole and proper teaching. A good example of this is the scripture selections on tongues. In the book of Acts, we see what they really are, that is, other...