Killing Facebook

 I killed my Facebook page. One day ago. Now I realize how addicting it is. You have thoughts on an issue and an instant audience. It's addicting. So, now that it's gone though not officially for 30 days, you still itch to post. There is so much going on these days and you constantly come across things you want to offer your thoughts on. That said, I've come to understand that most people won't change their minds. They've made them up and no amount of facts or persuasion will change their mind. We are all guilty of that to some extent but these days it seems like it's on steroids. Even when it is so obvious that one side is wrong, they've gone all-in for that thing. Nothing will sway them. Also, these days we see a silencing of what Orwell called "badthink" in 1984. Today, badthink is anything not Leftist. Anything that speaks up against the perversions and evils currently being normalized by our so-called 'Betters'. And they will destroy or attempt to destroy any resistance. Most people haven't the spine or fortitude to stand up to it. The Bible says "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil." We're seeing this at epidemic proportions now and it's only going to get worse. So, I killed Facebook. I miss it, but I think I'll be the better for it. I'll concentrate more on reading and study. You know, real books! Old fashioned notions are sometimes the best. Ramble ends.


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