Therefore God gave them over ...
They are close to the most feared words in the Bible. What did God give them over to? The lusts of their hearts. A reprobate mind. To all the evil that lies in the heart of Man. His restraining grace is withdrawn, man's evil let loose unhindered. The warnings are clear, as are the results. The Apostle Paul lays it out in Romans 1: 18-32. It perfectly describes what is happening in the US and the majority of the Western World. We have been given over. We are under God's Judgement. It's only going to get uglier than it already is. Wokeness, Leftism, cowardice, crime, perversion, violence, and a people who can no longer think rationally. As a whole, we've abandoned the One True God and erroneously proclaimed that we know better! Now, we shall suffer the folly of that foolishness. All of us. Yet God always has a remnant. ALWAYS. If you have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and repented truthfully, you will be saved. No, not saved from what's about to happen, but saved for an eternity with God. You MUST remain true. This evil infection is sickening the Church. You need to stay in Scripture to be safe from falling for Satan's Woke-church. That will not be easy. Satan always makes it 'sound' or 'feel' right. Yet, it NEVER is. Stand strong, believer! Hold on to that which is True! Ramble ends.
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