Don't get it
I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I am more of a prudent skeptic. These 'vaccines' aren't vaccines. They are experimental mutative etities. People are dying from these things and the media and Government are trying to cover them up. More than 1500 Americans already. Also, with a 99.7+% survivability from this virus, why do you need a shot or multiple shots? Unfortunately, many refuse, FLAT OUT REFUSE to ask questions. Many Americans and Westerners have become compliant sheep who refuse to question their 'Masters'. Not me. I was born a free man, taught to think and question, and I will die as such. We've been lied to ever since this Great Lie began. Yet so many are incurious or refuse to SEE. They just stumble blindly into slavery. It's quite sad to see. So, I won't be a guinea pig. Even if it costs me everything, I will NOT be experimented on.
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