Change the Culture?
Some Christians keep saying we have to "change the culture". Really? I have to disagree here. WE can't change the culture. WE can't change men's hearts. As a follower of Christ, you're called to spread the Gospel, the Good News. You are NOT called to change the culture. God changes men's hearts. He gives certain people a "heart of flesh". He makes those dead in sin come alive to life in Him. People make up the culture. So, if you have more people who hear the Gospel and are changed by the Lord, then, and only then, will the culture begin to change.
The Culture in the U.S. began to change long ago. The rise of 'cultural Christians', those who just said they were Christians because they were raised in a religious home but weren't really believers. They quickly fall away and succumb to the call of The World. It was a falling away. This falling away really accelerated in the 60's. Free sex, abortion, drug use, and the Woke/Social Justice movement were just beginning to gain ground on University campuses. Leftism used christian terminology and sounded 'right'. The failure of parents to prepare their children and teens for the Worldly buzz-saw they were walking into also played a part and sort of guaranteed the path we've followed as a Nation. The results were predictable.
Our Secular Culture and the Leftism that infects and is destroying it didn't happen overnight. Nor can it be fixed overnight. God is judging this Nation. We have been "given over" as Romans 1 says and all the sins and perversions it lists are happening all around us. Many a so-called 'christian church' have become ensnared in the apostasy. Many have thrown away the Bible as the final word on matters and gone to satisfying the "itching ears" of unregenerate people with "another gospel". They are producing sons of wrath rather than sons of God. It is a gospel of good feels rather than the Complete Gospel of the Good News.
What is the Complete Gospel? The complete Gospel deals not only with God's abounding love, but with His fearsome wrath against sin. His hatred of the evil doer. Many of these apostate churches don't believe in Hell, though Jesus spoke of it frequently, as well as the multitudes destined for it. They speak of god(their god) wanting them to be rich and healthy though Jesus never promised his followers that. Jesus promised those who followed him that they would be hated and reviled for since The World hated him, it would hate them as well. You can see this today, where those who hold to the Whole Counsel of God are reviled and called bigots and haters. And it will only get worse. Jesus also warned of that. It's not something you'll hear in the majority of pulpits across the Nation. It doesn't put many sheep in the seats but it does keep the goats happy.
Change the Culture? No. That is not what Jesus said to do. He said to spread the Good News, the Gospel. Period. Only through a heart of flesh given by God can change happen. The culture doesn't want to be saved and will try to destroy any who try to change it. Seek for God to change men's hearts. Individuals are saved. Cultures are not.
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