Man's most dangerous enemy? HIMSELF!

 I've been watching a number of sermons by Pastor John MacArthur. Some dealing with man's evil nature and God's restraining Grace. It is interesting to me as since I first cried out to Jesus to save me from my sin, I've been growing in Christ. I started out in Charismatic church but grew away from what I saw as many things that just weren't in Scripture. It wasn't through malice that they believed these things, it was to much a concentration on 'feelings'. Scripture tells us to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and all your strength. Many do with their hearts, souls, and strength, but leave out the mind part. Loving the Lord with all your mind means rightly dividing Scripture so that you can't be led astray. It means distinguishing between hyperbole and proper teaching. A good example of this is the scripture selections on tongues. In the book of Acts, we see what they really are, that is, other languages. Not mindless babblings or grunts or strings of nonsense. OTHER LANGUAGES. Human languages. Many will use the verse 1 Cor 13:1 "If I speak in the tongues of men or angels, but have not love ..." to justify this. That isn't the context or meaning of the verse. It's a hypothetical, and a bit of hyperbole to make a greater point. Yet many buy into it, or do it to 'fit in'. 

God's restraining grace manifests itself in our conscience. Our feelings of guilt. We KNOW right from wrong. Scripture tells us that God's Law is written on our hearts. As society at large drifts away from God, people make more and more excuses for the sins they commit. They look for ways to justify the evil that they do. It's part of our curse from The Fall. We break up the family which creates more chaos. Fatherless children have a greater risk of growing into narcissistic monsters. We fall into serious idolatry, making idols out of many things and the pursuit thereof. We put other things in place of God. We shake our fists at Heaven and say "Who are YOU to tell ME what to do?!" We create a God in our own image who would never tell us we're evil! Man's Nature is fallen, and without God's restraint, the world falls into darkness.

Need proof of man's evil nature? Look around. It may be something small as throwing trash out your window. We've all done this a some point. It grows into disregarding common decency in speech and regard for others. Things light being polite to people, treating each other with kindness. Look at the growing violence across the world. People want to mould society to a certain way and will destroy and murder to do it, all in the name of some 'greater good' they tell themselves. They will destroy anyone who resists them and they hate the Christian Faith. I speak of true Christian Biblical Faith, not the Americanised shell. Not the pick and choose many engage in. It only grows in evil as they gain power. Look around and tell me I'm wrong.

America and much of the West is under Judgement because of our running away from God's Law. He does this by "giving us over" as paul puts it in Romans. God withdraws his restraining Grace, and the darkness grows. Yet, take heart! Remain true to the Gospel NO MATTER WHAT, and, in the end, you WILL be saved. Hold true and be courageous. Do not compromise the Word of God.


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