There is nothing new under the sun ...
Most people will believe anything if you frighten them enough. Their ability to reason has for years been under assault. Who needs to think when you can suspend skepticism and just go along to get along. It's much easier to buy into The Narrative and follow the herd. This Article is spot on.
"Someone told me years ago, quite calmly and quietly as I recall, that the US of A was nothing more than a highly successful experiment in mind control. I thought at the time he was right. Now I’m certain. Only a mind-controlled and irrational population can believe, and believe is the active verb here, in a single, overarching and overwhelming threat that does not in fact exist.
Only an irrational population continues to put its faith in those who devised and declared this and every other emergency or threat. And only an irrational, thoroughly mind-controlled population remains unaware of the danger implicit in placing the construct called government (or authority or the state) above, as opposed to below, the deity known as God."
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