You are white, therefore you are racist
Did you get that? It seems to be the latest 'woke' trend coming from the certifiably insane Left these days. If you are white, you are racist by default. All the evils in the world are YOUR fault. No one else can be racist because only whites have power. Black crime through the roof? It's because racism. Every problem in the black/hispanic/asian community is due to whites. Does it matter that most crimes against asians are committed by blacks? No. It's only due to white racism. Math, trees, take your pick, they're all racist.
Do you see what they're doing? They are making whites 'The Other'. Well, only whites who aren't 'woke'. The 'woke' whites are those who 'admit' their privilege and kiss the feet of the 'downtrodden minorities'. Anyone not 'Them' is racist and MUST BE CANCELED. The truly sad part is that they can't see that THEY are the true racists. THEY are the ones making a blanket statement about an entire people based on skin color. This falls into the category of "Therefore God gave them over ...". This whole line of unthinking hate is the result of God's Judgement on this Nation. Their hatred is unbridled and running free for anyone who can still think rationally to see. Their arguments are vapid and shallow. Yet, so many haven't the backbone to stand up to them. This is how something like The Holocaust happens. This is how people wind up dead. Does a Nation that cowardly deserve to continue? You be the judge. Ramble ends.
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