Just curious ...
So, is this the 'New Reality'? Every time a black person or 'person of color' gets shot by police, it's automatically racist, facts be damned? Sure seems like it. I'm tired of the bull. The flat out lies as well. As humans, we have a certain responsibility for our actions. What we do can have serious consequences. What so many insane leftists seem to be saying is that 'because slavery' or 'because racism', people of color have carte blanche to do anything and not have to deal with ANY consequences. If you disagree with that, YOU are the racist. This is one of the reasons of the fundamental and irreconcilable divide that has ripped this Nation apart. Ripped it apart by design. We are two Nations now and I see no repairing it. We will either have a peaceful break-up or a nasty one. Many seem to want a violent one. When a nation abandons God, He withdraws His Restraining Grace and 'gives over' that Nation. The U.S. has been given over and it's going to get even uglier than it is now.
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