
Showing posts from August, 2021

Whom to Trust?

 As we continue on in this comedic tragedy, one begins to wonder who we can trust. It's been shown time and time again that the Federal and State governments are not worthy of trust. From the Presidency, Congress, CDC, FBI, CIA, SCOTUS, and Military 'Leadership' they've all shown themselves to be HIGHLY partisan and VERY suspect. In other words, you cannot trust them. The States? Not much either. In Wisconsin we have an idiot of a Leftist Governor and a Legislative branch run by spineless Republicans, as well as a fickle State Supreme Court. That leaves the County Sheriff's and the local Police. Can they be trusted? I used to think so but I wonder. We've seen certain States and Counties in various States more than willing, almost eager to trample rights and to pick and choose what they'll enforce. We've seen courts over and over refuse to punish certain criminals based on skin color and affiliation with groups like BLM and Anti-Fa. We have a News Media t

Why did they stop collecting this data?


More Judgement Upon Us...

 As I watch the news and happenings in this Nation in particular and the West in general, I can't help but have my belief that we are under Gods Judgement strengthened and that it's only going to get worse. The debacle in Afghanistan is disgusting and shows just how corrupt and faithless our Government and Military leadership have become. We've betrayed those Afghans who've helped us over 20 years, our own people there serving in mostly good faith, and we've given an ENEMY a crap-ton of Military equipment and tech that will wind up killing Americans and others. Who in their right minds would ever trust the US again? The church is under His Judgement as well. With many 'ordaining' open homosexuals/Lesbians/atheists as deacons, bishops, and pastors, as well as 'marrying' gays, it's no wonder they stray into heresy and apostasy. Worse yet, the people that sit in the pews are so undiscerning and Biblically illiterate that they approve! Scripture is C

It Won't End if WE the People don't END It!

 The Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla predicted that the CCP Virus will mutate and a new vaccine resistant strain is "likely to emerge." No kidding! It's a VIRUS. A virus mutates! It always does. This is basic science, not the politicized faux-science of the Political Tyrants. Natural immunity plus certain drugs are what's needed, NOT an experimental 'vaccine' and draconian lockdowns or placebo mask wearing. With these so-called vaccines, the body doesn't make it's own anti-bodies to fight the virus. If I have the mRNA set-up correct, it has to do with the spike proteins and fooling the immune system to produce its own spike to fight or block it. It isn't working like they promised it would. This should have been tested over YEARS. The Flu, a covid virus by the way, mutates and has several different strains. They guess which flu or combination of them will hit in a given year and produce that vaccine. It's also not that effective. Why? Because a virus

Always Amazed

 I'm always amazed at how easily people will sell themselves into slavery because of fear. What cowards. The CCP Virus is man-made. It got out of the Wuhan Lab in China that received funding from our OWN GOVERNMENT and Fauchi's CDC. It has a survival rate of just under 99%. 99%!!! Many death's were listed as Covid that were NOT from Covid. Also, there's a difference in dying FROM Covid vs WITH Covid. Then you look at the stats of who is most likely to have a VERY difficult time with it. The elderly, obese, and those with other co-morbidities such as a compromised immune system. Or you see the reports that the PRC tests they were using were giving false positives. Or the truth that these masks people are wearing are USELESS against Covid with that being stated ON THE PACKAGING! Yet, despite this, people have, and continue to willingly play along with the evil frauds who have been LYING to them all this time. They buy into mask mandates and promote mandatory vaccination t

Afghan Travesty | Doug Wilson


We Deserve This

 The United States is crumbling. All across the spectrum our Nation is falling apart. We deserve it. We deserve the Judgement God is giving us. We have trashed His Law, tried to excise Him from everything and now we are paying the price. From abortion, easy divorce, and sexual 'liberation' to the LGBTQ and Trans nonsense, we have become thoroughly debauched. God has given us over ala Romans chapter one. Without His restraining grace the evil in our hearts is moving forward unfettered. We are reaping what we've sown all across the world at large. It's only going to get worse. Our government and any departments associated with it are corrupt and not to be trusted. Up and down the line, they have become, or are becoming putrid, tyrannical agencies whose design is to force and un-godly and evil ideology on everyone in the Nation. They've wrecked and perverted everything they touch from our elections to our so-called education system and on to the CDC, as well as the Mil

Wokeness in the Wilderness?


When Lies Become "Truth" and the Monsters it Makes Us.


Where is Race Mentioned in the Bible? (with Voddie Baucham)


So Thankful

 It sometimes amazes me that more people don't realize how truly blessed we are as a Nation. The amazing advancements that can happen here due to the blessings of freedom and capitalism. These freedoms are not in any way perfect, but they are capable of producing innovations and inventions that can really help people. Of course, they can also be severely abused. Most things have a dark side that can be abused by evil people. That is the Nature of Man. That said, you cannot ignore that those blessings exist.  For myself, I feel so blessed. I have a roof over my head, clothing, a bed, food, etc. I am so rich in these blessings that I am sometimes overwhelmed with gratitude to God for these blessings, and sorrow because I sometimes take them for granted. Even in these times, when our freedoms and Liberty are under assault, I am still so very grateful.  With all that said, I believe we are a Nation under Gods Judgement. We have strayed so far from His precepts that we have called Judge

No one is Listening. Or thinking.

Victor Davis Hanson  Is spot on. The bigger problem from my perspective is the number of Americans who refuse to SEE, or who actually WANT the US to collapse. Unless people wake up SOON, it will be too late to stop. If it isn't already. Ramble ends.

Why don't we trust them?

  Excellent thread  about why so many are reluctant. Also, who can you trust anymore? Government agencies from the FBI, CIA, CDC, the upper echelons of the Military, and even police departments are highly corrupt and suspect. You cannot trust them. This bode extremely ill for the future of liberty and freedom.

Us and Them


The Darkness continues to Grow

 Being off due to surgery has given me too much time to view developments in the Nation and the world at large. What I've seen is the growing darkness. Here in the US, the Government and the Biden Regime are blatantly violating the Constitution. The lapdogs in the Media don't care. Many Americans don't care. This is a recipe for a disastrous loss of freedoms. Many businesses are starting to mandate the experimental shots as a condition of continued employment just as the Government has begun to do. And too many are not questioning this, nor the concerted effort by Big Tech and the Government to suppress anything that contradicts The Narrative. CRT is infecting more and more sectors of society from schools to churches to businesses big and small. There is some growing resistance but one wonders if it is too little too late. We have a very large percentage of citizens who are little more than programmed bots blithely going along unquestioningly with whatever they're told.