Whom to Trust?
As we continue on in this comedic tragedy, one begins to wonder who we can trust. It's been shown time and time again that the Federal and State governments are not worthy of trust. From the Presidency, Congress, CDC, FBI, CIA, SCOTUS, and Military 'Leadership' they've all shown themselves to be HIGHLY partisan and VERY suspect. In other words, you cannot trust them. The States? Not much either. In Wisconsin we have an idiot of a Leftist Governor and a Legislative branch run by spineless Republicans, as well as a fickle State Supreme Court. That leaves the County Sheriff's and the local Police. Can they be trusted? I used to think so but I wonder. We've seen certain States and Counties in various States more than willing, almost eager to trample rights and to pick and choose what they'll enforce. We've seen courts over and over refuse to punish certain criminals based on skin color and affiliation with groups like BLM and Anti-Fa. We have a News Media t...