Always Amazed

 I'm always amazed at how easily people will sell themselves into slavery because of fear. What cowards. The CCP Virus is man-made. It got out of the Wuhan Lab in China that received funding from our OWN GOVERNMENT and Fauchi's CDC. It has a survival rate of just under 99%. 99%!!! Many death's were listed as Covid that were NOT from Covid. Also, there's a difference in dying FROM Covid vs WITH Covid. Then you look at the stats of who is most likely to have a VERY difficult time with it. The elderly, obese, and those with other co-morbidities such as a compromised immune system. Or you see the reports that the PRC tests they were using were giving false positives. Or the truth that these masks people are wearing are USELESS against Covid with that being stated ON THE PACKAGING! Yet, despite this, people have, and continue to willingly play along with the evil frauds who have been LYING to them all this time. They buy into mask mandates and promote mandatory vaccination that is totally unnecessary. Why unnecessary? Because there are many cheaper and effective drug combinations out there that beat the virus, even the new variants coming out. Yet, the Media, the so-called experts, and the doyens of Social Media censor any reports on the alternatives. They classify them as 'False News' and remove content or ban channels putting the info out there for people to see. And much of America just follows along like zombies. Now there is the trend of trying to make anyone who won't get the so-called vaccine second class citizens. Making them The Other and denying them services. Nazi Germany did that to the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and others they classified as undesirable. Soviet Russia as well as Communist China has, and continues to do this. People used to say "IT can't happen here!" Well, IT can, and is happening. You see, mans Nature is evil, fallen. Man is NOT basically good. Look around. You're witnessing IT happening again. And people are, as they always have in the past, HELPING IT happen again. Isn't your New Utopia grand? Ramble Ends


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