So Thankful

 It sometimes amazes me that more people don't realize how truly blessed we are as a Nation. The amazing advancements that can happen here due to the blessings of freedom and capitalism. These freedoms are not in any way perfect, but they are capable of producing innovations and inventions that can really help people. Of course, they can also be severely abused. Most things have a dark side that can be abused by evil people. That is the Nature of Man. That said, you cannot ignore that those blessings exist. 

For myself, I feel so blessed. I have a roof over my head, clothing, a bed, food, etc. I am so rich in these blessings that I am sometimes overwhelmed with gratitude to God for these blessings, and sorrow because I sometimes take them for granted. Even in these times, when our freedoms and Liberty are under assault, I am still so very grateful. 

With all that said, I believe we are a Nation under Gods Judgement. We have strayed so far from His precepts that we have called Judgement down upon us. We are not the first nation to come under Gods Judgement nor will we be the last. That Judgement is a fearsome thing to behold and live through. One thing it will do is separate the wheat from the chaff. Many who call themselves Christians will fall away. It's a winnowing. As the world grows darker, many will fall away and show themselves to be of the World. The rest of us MUST remain faithful to Him who made us. We must stand, no matter what the world does.

Ramble ends.


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