More Judgement Upon Us...

 As I watch the news and happenings in this Nation in particular and the West in general, I can't help but have my belief that we are under Gods Judgement strengthened and that it's only going to get worse. The debacle in Afghanistan is disgusting and shows just how corrupt and faithless our Government and Military leadership have become. We've betrayed those Afghans who've helped us over 20 years, our own people there serving in mostly good faith, and we've given an ENEMY a crap-ton of Military equipment and tech that will wind up killing Americans and others. Who in their right minds would ever trust the US again?

The church is under His Judgement as well. With many 'ordaining' open homosexuals/Lesbians/atheists as deacons, bishops, and pastors, as well as 'marrying' gays, it's no wonder they stray into heresy and apostasy. Worse yet, the people that sit in the pews are so undiscerning and Biblically illiterate that they approve! Scripture is CLEAR about things like homosexuality, fornication, and women 'pastors'. To ignore this is to serve a different god. To quote Matthew 15:8 "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me." These people have made a god of their own liking, in their own image. This is how heresy and apostasy enters in to a church. This is how an evil like CRT can come in. They have turned away from the One True God and worship a graven image of their own likeness. 

Look at the moral state of this Nation, of its Idols. Tell me I'm wrong. All our institutions are falling, succumbing to the Evil one. People are wise in their own eyes or as Paul puts it in Romans 1:22-23 "Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the likeness of corruptible man and birds and four footed animals and crawling creatures." Thus, we are under Judgement. A nation can only mock God for so long before he rains down wrath and Judgement upon it. Between all the above and the evil abomination of abortion, we have long deserved Judgement. Well, it's here. The hope for the Faithful is that God always saves a remnant from His true church.

Ramble Ends.


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