It Won't End if WE the People don't END It!

 The Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla predicted that the CCP Virus will mutate and a new vaccine resistant strain is "likely to emerge." No kidding! It's a VIRUS. A virus mutates! It always does. This is basic science, not the politicized faux-science of the Political Tyrants. Natural immunity plus certain drugs are what's needed, NOT an experimental 'vaccine' and draconian lockdowns or placebo mask wearing. With these so-called vaccines, the body doesn't make it's own anti-bodies to fight the virus. If I have the mRNA set-up correct, it has to do with the spike proteins and fooling the immune system to produce its own spike to fight or block it. It isn't working like they promised it would. This should have been tested over YEARS. The Flu, a covid virus by the way, mutates and has several different strains. They guess which flu or combination of them will hit in a given year and produce that vaccine. It's also not that effective. Why? Because a virus will always mutate. If you have anti-bodies, your system will better defend against variants. We're seeing this with those who caught the original CCP virus in that they are unlikely to catch the Delta variant. They will also likely have resistance to the Lambda variant. Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about existing drugs that beat the virus because they have a financial stake in this. They stand to make BILLIONS off of these 'vaccines'. Big Brother doesn't want you to know as that will take away the power they think they have over you. Power YOU have given them by being undiscerning and thinking they have your best interest at heart. We are a desperately fallen people who have been given over by God. It's no surprise that people are putting the slave shackles on themselves. 

Ramble Ends.


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