Whom to Trust?

 As we continue on in this comedic tragedy, one begins to wonder who we can trust. It's been shown time and time again that the Federal and State governments are not worthy of trust. From the Presidency, Congress, CDC, FBI, CIA, SCOTUS, and Military 'Leadership' they've all shown themselves to be HIGHLY partisan and VERY suspect. In other words, you cannot trust them. The States? Not much either. In Wisconsin we have an idiot of a Leftist Governor and a Legislative branch run by spineless Republicans, as well as a fickle State Supreme Court. That leaves the County Sheriff's and the local Police. Can they be trusted? I used to think so but I wonder. We've seen certain States and Counties in various States more than willing, almost eager to trample rights and to pick and choose what they'll enforce. We've seen courts over and over refuse to punish certain criminals based on skin color and affiliation with groups like BLM and Anti-Fa. We have a News Media that, for the most part, is better described and a "Ministry of Truth" for the current Regime and The Party. In other words, Propagandists who will not allow anything but The Narrative to see the light of day if they can prevent it. The same goes for the Doyen's of Social Media. Dare to put out anything contrary to the Party Line and it'll be either hidden or outright taken down. 

So, who do you trust? Does anyone really think that Police Departments and County Sheriff Dept's won't pull an Australia or New Zealand on the American citizenry? It's been shown, if you know where to look, that they've been flat-out LYING about the CCP Virus and the so-called 'vaccines. The Left has control for the moment and they've shown their collective hand in the way they ignore the Constitution as well as the rules for Legislation. All they care about is their end goal and there are plenty of so-called Republicans willing to aid and abet their plan for a few scraps. There is also an increasingly docile public that will accept the revocation of Liberty and Freedom because they're too damn lazy to research and find out that they're being lied to. Bad combination, that. 

Leftism is also infecting the church in America. As if the Prosperity gospel, the Name it Claim it Heresy, the New Apostolic Reformation, Chris-lam, so-called Progressive christianity, or the Seeker Sensitive movements weren't enough, now we have Critical Race theory infecting the church.  It has already claimed the Southern Baptist Convention, much of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches as well as some Lutheran  churches. Don't get me started on Rome!

So, who or what does that leave that hasn't been infected by the madness? Not a whole hell of a lot. Many companies are already telling employee's that they have to get the shot to keep their jobs. That is flat out wrong and, in my opinion, evil. All that's left for those who won't buy their lies is to stand firm. Stand firm in our beliefs. That includes those of us who believe in the One True God, no matter the cost. They WILL, eventually come for the Church. The true church. Leftists always have, and they always will. It has to. One wonders just how much longer it will be before they really ramp up. Right now, it's approaching a form of puberty. How it grows from here remains to be seen, but I for one, am NOT confident that it can be turned back. I think we passed that point shortly after 9-11-2001 when the Patriot Act became Law. That is what I see as the point of no return. Trumps 4 years held it back a smidge but now it's full speed ahead and only a few to stand in the way. 

Ramble Ends.


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