We Deserve This

 The United States is crumbling. All across the spectrum our Nation is falling apart. We deserve it. We deserve the Judgement God is giving us. We have trashed His Law, tried to excise Him from everything and now we are paying the price. From abortion, easy divorce, and sexual 'liberation' to the LGBTQ and Trans nonsense, we have become thoroughly debauched. God has given us over ala Romans chapter one. Without His restraining grace the evil in our hearts is moving forward unfettered. We are reaping what we've sown all across the world at large. It's only going to get worse.

Our government and any departments associated with it are corrupt and not to be trusted. Up and down the line, they have become, or are becoming putrid, tyrannical agencies whose design is to force and un-godly and evil ideology on everyone in the Nation. They've wrecked and perverted everything they touch from our elections to our so-called education system and on to the CDC, as well as the Military and police forces. It's all going sour. As stated above, it's only going to get worse. As mankind's evil is less and less restrained we will see new levels appear. You may think we've reached close to rock bottom, but you'd be wrong. 

What can change it? Only National repentance on a level this Nation hasn't seen since its beginning. A return to God's precepts by a majority of the Nation is what it would take. Even then, I think it's too late. If one reads the Bible one would notice in the Old Testament an Israel that Gos chastens and punishes. Then, they repent in sackcloth and ashes and cry out to God. He redeems them. They are thankful and begin again to obey His Laws. Then, within a generation or two, they are back to the evil of every other Nation. They blaspheme the One True God and wind up in the same straights they were in before. We make think we moderns are smarter and better than that but history shows we are not. 

On an individual level, Christians will need to stand firm in their faith no matter the cost. Our reward for faithfulness is NOT promised in this life, despite what the likes of Osteen, Hinn, Duplantis, or Copeland are saying. We are NOT a Christian Nation. We haven't been for a long time. Oh sure, many go to church, call themselves christians because it's culturally 'expected', but they're not serious about it. Persecution is how God separates the wheat from the chaff. Our Nations collapse will winnow out the false and strengthen the true followers. Persecution always does. Oh, and believe it, persecution always does when the people trying to take complete control achieve their ends. So, ready yourself for what is coming. Ready your family. Trust in God and His provision. Trust in Christ and His sacrifice. Nothing else matters. Ramble Ends.


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