The Curse of the Short Attention Span
For some, even the title of this post would be considered too long. In this Age of Technology, we have been given more information at our fingertips than any scholar of old could ever have dreamed of. It's so easy. Too easy. Many have lost the ability to focus for longer than 2 or 3 minutes on a single thing. Just the bullet points, please. Because of this, many 'know' about so much without realizing that they know NOTHING. The two most recent examples of this are the Rittenhouse trial and the Waukesha massacre. The media immediately put out false information about Rittenhouse and what happened and people took it hook, line, and sinker. They didn't bother to investigate for themselves or wait for more info to come out. People from Presidential candidates, to Congresscritters, to regular people bought the narrative immediately. The media fed the narrative for months with lies and insinuations of motive and malice. So much so, that even as the FACTS that came out at tri...