
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Curse of the Short Attention Span

 For some, even the title of this post would be considered too long. In this Age of Technology, we have been given more information at our fingertips than any scholar of old could ever have dreamed of. It's so easy. Too easy. Many have lost the ability to focus for longer than 2 or 3 minutes on a single thing. Just the bullet points, please. Because of this, many 'know' about so much without realizing that they know NOTHING. The two most recent examples of this are the Rittenhouse trial and the Waukesha massacre.  The media immediately put out false information about Rittenhouse and what happened and people took it hook, line, and sinker. They didn't bother to investigate for themselves or wait for more info to come out. People from Presidential candidates, to Congresscritters, to regular people bought the narrative immediately. The media fed the narrative for months with lies and insinuations of motive and malice. So much so, that even as the FACTS that came out at tri

Exceedingly Thankful to God

 I am SO thankful to God for His provision in my life. I have a job, a roof over my head, plenty of food, clothing, a car, etc. Mostly, I'm thankful for Him and His Son Jesus. I don't deserve the bounty I have, and I am lower middle class by American standards, but wealthy by World standards. Have you ever thought about that? We in America and many other Nations are so blessed! And so very ungrateful. We are never satisfied with what we have. We always want the newest thing, even if we can't afford it. I've thought about this a lot as I've grown older. The World I grew up in is a distant memory and I no longer recognize the Nation of my youth. It has abandoned God and His precepts. Yet, I am content. Should I lose all material possessions and wind up homeless, still I will praise Him. He has given me Christ! Jesus paid the penalty of my sins. He shed HIS blood to pay the price I never could. He saved my immortal soul and opened the path to God. I will praise Him unt

Romanticizing Barbarism


Nothing New Under the Sun

 Once again, the world is devolving into Tyranny from the Left, or, if you think as I do, from Satan, who has many followers. They have used this man-made virus from Wuhan as a pretext to take power. They have used Propaganda masterfully and convinced many that they'll just DIE if they don't get the shot. They have determined to make those who refuse 'The Other' so as to blame them for any spike in the flu, knowing that many will ignore the FACTS that show that the shots don't work. That, in FACT, they make it WORSE. The FACT that the shot also harms more people with side effects than the virus kills. That the survival rate of this so-called pandemic virus is 99%. You can warn people all day, but they won't listen until it's too late. Have you ever wondered how Hitler could slaughter 6 million Jews as well as gypsies and homosexuals? How Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot could murder millions? You are witnessing it. In this instance, they've convinced millions

Escaping the Cult of Nice | Doug Wilson


Fenix Ammunition Founder Shares Why His Stance On Police Has Become Incr...


Abortion and the Altar of Convenience


FBI Leaks Project Veritas' Private Communications To NYT, This Is A HUGE...


Thoughts on the Rittehouse Situation

 This incident should never have happened. The responsible parties are the Media, for lying and pushing their lies, Gov Tony Evers for not having the National Guard IN Kenosha, The local and County police, and sheriffs for NOT being in Kenosha, as well as the rioters themselves. The situation was amped up by the Media's false reporting of the whole George Floyd affair as well as the Blake shooting, and their ramping up of the emotions that led to the summer of riots, destruction, and murder. It was also exacerbated by evil politicians who ginned up anger for the sake of power. The rioters were led around by their idiot noses and goaded into destroying cities across the country. They were not stopped by Police. The media kept egging on the anger, ginning it up. Many people didn't feel the need to actually wait and find out more than what the Propaganda purveyors were selling.  Sadly, we humans are fallen, and so arrogant that we deny this. We think we're so good. If the last

The New Salem Witch Hunt(s)

 Solomon said, "There is nothing new under the sun." We see this with Mankind over and over. Whether it's Israel and their constant straying from God that started almost immediately after they were freed from Egypt all the way through History to heresies in the church to today's return of the love affair with Communism, Man does not change. These days there is a double witch hunt. First up, so-called 'Whiteness'. Go to the vast majority of colleges and you will find both black, white, and many other hues calling for the abolishment of 'Whiteness'. The definition changes from person to person but the cry is the same. White people are evil and the cause of all problems in the world at large. Whites are racist and evil no matter their age. These people are blind to the very bigotry and hate they're spewing. THEY are the ones they're looking for, but they project their faults onto society at large. They are immune to facts or anything that goes aga

My Journey to God

 Many of us Humans are prone to look back on our lives in introspection, pondering the many roads that led us to where we are now. When doing this, one will almost always come upon a memory that we stay on for a while. We chew on it, hash over it until we find an answer for it, and then return to the original course of our thoughts. We agonize at times over mistakes or traumas and wonder if there was something we could have done differently to change the outcome. This is healthy, but only to a point. Dwelling on the past in a morbid fashion can prevent the 'now' or the 'tomorrow'. You can become stuck in a loop and, if in said loop too long, you can become trapped in it, trapped in the past. Many of us have traumas that have great effect upon our lives, that changed our trajectory if you will. Yet, if you think about who you are now, and are not totally disgusted by that person, then changing even the smallest thing in your past would have massive unforeseen consequence

Weep for the World

 It's very hard watching a World under Judgement come apart. The West especially is under Judgement from God. About the only thing we haven't done to pervert God's Laws and His order is to normalize pedophilia. It won't be long for that as there's been a push by NAMBLA to that end for over a decade. We murder the innocent unborn in the womb, we have 'normalized' homosexuality, we've 'normalized' the lie of being able to change your sex, or gender, or whatever they're twisting it into these days. We've allowed racial strife to be ramped up in the name of 'equality' or some such. We've become worshippers of the planet or Gaia if you will. We've ascribed human traits to animals. All this perversion and insanity is CELEBRATED while at the same time creating generations with weak minds who will crumble when the whole house of cards comes crashing down. Also, Governments are attacking Biblical Christianity wherever they can get