Exceedingly Thankful to God

 I am SO thankful to God for His provision in my life. I have a job, a roof over my head, plenty of food, clothing, a car, etc. Mostly, I'm thankful for Him and His Son Jesus. I don't deserve the bounty I have, and I am lower middle class by American standards, but wealthy by World standards. Have you ever thought about that? We in America and many other Nations are so blessed! And so very ungrateful. We are never satisfied with what we have. We always want the newest thing, even if we can't afford it. I've thought about this a lot as I've grown older. The World I grew up in is a distant memory and I no longer recognize the Nation of my youth. It has abandoned God and His precepts.

Yet, I am content. Should I lose all material possessions and wind up homeless, still I will praise Him. He has given me Christ! Jesus paid the penalty of my sins. He shed HIS blood to pay the price I never could. He saved my immortal soul and opened the path to God. I will praise Him until I breathe my last. As should everyone. Until this nation repents of her harlotry and blasphemy against a Holy and Righteous God, our Creator, things will only grow worse. We, like Israel, have gone astray. We have grumbled and have been ungrateful to God. In response, He has given us over to our naturally depraved nature. Until we turn away from our sins and cry out to Him for mercy, the fall will continue. 

Me? I am thankful. I don't deserve the blessings I have. Yet, He has blessed me and I am content in Him. I am exceedingly thankful. And I always will be.


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