Weep for the World

 It's very hard watching a World under Judgement come apart. The West especially is under Judgement from God. About the only thing we haven't done to pervert God's Laws and His order is to normalize pedophilia. It won't be long for that as there's been a push by NAMBLA to that end for over a decade. We murder the innocent unborn in the womb, we have 'normalized' homosexuality, we've 'normalized' the lie of being able to change your sex, or gender, or whatever they're twisting it into these days. We've allowed racial strife to be ramped up in the name of 'equality' or some such. We've become worshippers of the planet or Gaia if you will. We've ascribed human traits to animals. All this perversion and insanity is CELEBRATED while at the same time creating generations with weak minds who will crumble when the whole house of cards comes crashing down.

Also, Governments are attacking Biblical Christianity wherever they can get away with it as it stands against them. You can't build a Marxist Utopia with a Biblical church in the way. You must either subvert it or destroy it. The subversion of many a church has been going swimmingly for them for some time. Of course, the Roman Church is on board. They are adept at making sure they keep their fiefdom. Many so-called 'Protestant' churches have gone over as well. They champion the whole of the LGBTQ+ perversion, they ordain women 'pastors', and are neck-deep in the whole 'Woke' insanity as well as environmentalism. They preach every perversion but ignore or twist the True Gospel. The folks in their pews are so mind-numbed that they are not able to refute the lies told them using the very thing they're supposed to study; The Bible! 

So, weep for the World and the coming Darkness. God's Judgement is on the World. Be strong in your faith and hold true to him who made you, God, and Him who died for you, Christ Jesus. Rely on the strength of the Holy Spirit and stand. Remember the words of Christ in Matthew 10:28; "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to kill both body and soul in Hell."  Hebrews 10:31 tells us "It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God." We will all be Judged. There will only be one of two ends; Heaven or Hell. Period. End of story for many. Repent now, while there's still time. You do not know the day or hour of your death and when you die, it's too late. Call on the Lord Jesus to save you. Repent of your sins and be conformed by the renewing of your mind! God's Judgement is sure and happening before you. Wait no longer!


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