Thoughts on the Rittehouse Situation

 This incident should never have happened. The responsible parties are the Media, for lying and pushing their lies, Gov Tony Evers for not having the National Guard IN Kenosha, The local and County police, and sheriffs for NOT being in Kenosha, as well as the rioters themselves. The situation was amped up by the Media's false reporting of the whole George Floyd affair as well as the Blake shooting, and their ramping up of the emotions that led to the summer of riots, destruction, and murder. It was also exacerbated by evil politicians who ginned up anger for the sake of power. The rioters were led around by their idiot noses and goaded into destroying cities across the country. They were not stopped by Police. The media kept egging on the anger, ginning it up. Many people didn't feel the need to actually wait and find out more than what the Propaganda purveyors were selling. 

Sadly, we humans are fallen, and so arrogant that we deny this. We think we're so good. If the last year hasn't convinced you otherwise, nothing short of God's intervention will change your mind. That said, I feel sorry for Rittenhouse. Because of the many cowards who were supposed to step up, he wound up where he did. He has to live with taking 2 lives. Yes, it was self-defense, but that doesn't assuage the guilt of a decent human being after ending two lives. He's young, so the effect is magnified. What I wonder, is whether the same cowards who allowed the rioting will prevent the inevitable rioting if/when Rittenhouse is acquitted. I won't hold my breath. Those in power are evil, craven bastards who care nothing for human life, nor do they care about Law and Order. They want power, pure and simple. They don't care how many lives are ruined or how much property is damaged or destroyed. They want power. They've shown for some time now that they'll use any measure, including ethnic strife to get the power they crave because they know people are stupid and will fall for whatever lie they push. This has been seen since before the Michael Brown Lie. There are plenty of stupids out there ready to march and kill and destroy over a lie.


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