The Curse of the Short Attention Span

 For some, even the title of this post would be considered too long. In this Age of Technology, we have been given more information at our fingertips than any scholar of old could ever have dreamed of. It's so easy. Too easy. Many have lost the ability to focus for longer than 2 or 3 minutes on a single thing. Just the bullet points, please. Because of this, many 'know' about so much without realizing that they know NOTHING. The two most recent examples of this are the Rittenhouse trial and the Waukesha massacre.

 The media immediately put out false information about Rittenhouse and what happened and people took it hook, line, and sinker. They didn't bother to investigate for themselves or wait for more info to come out. People from Presidential candidates, to Congresscritters, to regular people bought the narrative immediately. The media fed the narrative for months with lies and insinuations of motive and malice. So much so, that even as the FACTS that came out at trial debunked the Narrative, proved it to be a massive LIE, many refused to believe the truth. In fact, they still parrot many of the lies. You can find people in positions of responsibility and authority still saying that Rittenhouse killed black men even though the deceased are white and the one guy that wasn't killed was also white. Also, they ignore the criminal records of the attackers, as well as the fact that the survivor had a pistol that he was not legally allowed to possess. The Narrative is powerful because people have become stupid and have no attention span. A vile and corrupt media, as well as vile and corrupt prosecutors KNEW the truth, yet went after the kid anyway because of Politics. That should frighten and wake up EVERYONE!

Then we have the Waukesha massacre. A black man with an online history of anti-white statements and support for the Marxist and violent BLM movement drove his car at high speed through a Christmas parade killing 6 so far and injuring 35-40 others. He had made statements shortly after the Rittenhouse trial that the war is on as well as statements about knocking out white people, no matter their age. He has a lengthy criminal record including running over the mother of his child with the very same SUV a few weeks before. Yet, because of Leftist evil, he was out on very low bail despite the violence of his crimes and, despite the fact that he was wanted in Nevada for making threats to bomb a Casino. Yes, he has a lengthy criminal record. You didn't hear ANY of that from the mainstream propaganda networks. Just like you never hear of the high rate of black-on-white crime in this Nation, or that blacks can be racist as well as anyone. No, the media instead called it either an incident or a crash. They'll no doubt try to bury the story as the perp is the wrong color. Or they'll make up excuses for him because he's black so it can't be hate. He must be mentally ill. Or they'll blame today's whipping boy, 'Whiteness'. 

Since most people have such short attention spans, they'll buy the lies. They're little better than potted plants. This is one of the reasons this Nation is breaking apart, the main reason being that we've turned away from God. As long as we refuse to repent of our sins and cry out for His mercy, God will continue to give us over to the evil in our hearts. And things will continue to fall apart. He who has ears, let him hear. 

Ramble Ends.


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