A Permanent Divide
One of the things Leftists across time have been masterful at is division. They can divide Society better than a Mathematical Savant. Everywhere Leftism has taken control and destroyed Nations it has first divided. Then they begin the final progression towards destruction. They've been at it for a long time here in the US. Unfortunately, many have been so busy living life that they didn't pay attention. Leftists LOVE Government, being in control. The downfall of American education began with the creation of the Department of Education. The loss of local and state control was minimal at first but as the behemoth grew, so did the number of Leftists in it and its tentacles spread out. The poison seeped in and now, today, you have all the perversions and wedges Leftists use baked into the system. For at least the last 2 decades it hasn't been primarily Education. It has been Leftist Indoctrination. You can see that by the attitudes of anyone under 35 towards all sorts of Socie...