
Showing posts from June, 2021

A Permanent Divide

 One of the things Leftists across time have been masterful at is division. They can divide Society better than a Mathematical Savant. Everywhere Leftism has taken control and destroyed Nations it has first divided. Then they begin the final progression towards destruction. They've been at it for a long time here in the US. Unfortunately, many have been so busy living life that they didn't pay attention. Leftists LOVE Government, being in control. The downfall of American education began with the creation of the Department of Education. The loss of local and state control was minimal at first but as the behemoth grew, so did the number of Leftists in it and its tentacles spread out. The poison seeped in and now, today, you have all the perversions and wedges Leftists use baked into the system. For at least the last 2 decades it hasn't been primarily Education. It has been Leftist Indoctrination. You can see that by the attitudes of anyone under 35 towards all sorts of Socie...

Ah, We Humans are SO Stupid!

 Yes, we are. Amazingly stupid. Humanity's penchant for stupidity began in the Garden of Eden and has only gotten worse. The moment Eve gave ear to "Did God really say ... ?" our long descent began. With every passing century we become dumber. We ignore facts, refuse to question certain premises depending on who puts them forth, and ignore other possibilities for the same reasons. We also deny facts after the truth comes out to debunk any given narrative. As an example, take Travon Martin. You will still hear people put forth that he was completely innocent, that he was hunted down and killed because he was black, that he was an innocent little angel. The facts deny all of this but that doesn't stop idiots from putting forth their 'stupid' for all to see. It's even scarier when you realize that many are in positions of power. Martin was a thug who died because HE attacked George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was euphemistically labeled a "white hispanic" ...

Things to remember...

 God IS good! That is number one. Always. He is good, and he is Holy, Holy, Holy! He is in control, He is sovereign. He controls all things according to His plan. He sent His one and only Son to die for the sins of the World, that all who believe in Him will have eternal life. God is gracious in that "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." These things must always be number one. We are, ALL of us, sinners. Even after we are converted to Christ, we will still sin. Contrary to the beliefs of some, we will still sin until we leave this world. In thought, sometimes in deed, we will sin. The difference is that we grieve when we sin. It crushes us and we cry out to the Father in sorrow at our sin and earnestly seek His forgiveness. We repent of our sin and strive to conform ourselves to Christ. We don't continue on and blithely say to ourselves "I'm forgiven so I can live how I choose." Pray. Always. For those we love, for our Nation and this fallen world...

Will you compromise?

 This will be the question many believers will face in the coming years. As 'Wokeness' infects the majority of the church, you will be forced to either compromise or stand. To go along with the false gospel they will be putting forth, or to hold to the True Gospel. What will that look like? Well, to stand for truth you will have to hold to the Truths of God's Word. He made them Man and Woman ONLY. Marriage is ONLY between one real man and one real woman. That homosexuality IS a sin and against Gods created order. That we must repent and turn away from our sin. God may call us as we are, but we ARE to change to conform to HIS way. That Jesus is THE way, THE truth and THE life, and that NO ONE comes to the Father EXCEPT through him! That abortion is murder. That CRT, Critical Race Theory, as well as Liberation Theology is false and evil.  There are others but these will be at the fore. You cannot be friends with the World and be a friend of God. Scripture tells us this. Jesus...

The SBC falls to the Woke

 It happened. The SBC, Southern Baptist Convention, fell to the Woke Mob. The conservative wing once again was outmaneuvered because they refused to play by the same rules. What rules? Do anything, say anything, make up anything you need to win. Truth matters not. Facts matter not. Honor matters not. Win. No matter what. This Woke infection is of the Devil. It is infecting EVERY denomination. You see it in the so-called 'ordination' of women as pastors, the acceptance of homosexuality, and the trans lie, as well as Critical Race Theory. The #metoo capitulation. The twisting of Scripture. It's all there in plain sight. One just needs to know their Scripture, IN CONTEXT, to see it. Most don't. The so-called conservatives are consoling themselves with "We came close." Hello! McFly! YOU LOST. The writing has been on the wall since 1995! Al Mohler had a helping hand in the Woke turn of the SBC yet these clowns still give him cover. If I were a Southern Baptist I...

No. We have not reached Peak Crazy yet.

 As I see what is happening across this once great Nation, and observe people in the area I live in, I'm convinced that we have not yet reached Peak crazy. It's getting VERY ugly out there and it's only going to get uglier. Me? I believe it's God's Judgement on our Nation. For decades now we've been violating His rules and mocking His Laws and Design. The Great Society followed later by the so-called 'Sexual Revolution' were the beginnings of that Judgement. It's only been down hill from there. As deviancy and rank perversion are now championed and promoted in schools, all phases of Government as well as the 'news' and 'entertainment' media, anyone who speaks out against it is attacked. Many have decided to remain silent rather than face the jeers and attacks of the evil ones pushing the various perversions. Are we past the point of no return? I believe so. Yet, God is mighty and all powerful. Should the majority of this Nation repent...

The Crazy Grows

 As I watch the insanity of the world at large in general, and the insanity of the US in particular, I can't help but be even more convinced of Gods judgement on the US and the world. The total insanity of Critical Race Theory and Woke-ness hasn't peaked yet. The old saw holds true; "You ain't seen nothing yet!" I won't waste my time on the laundry list of craziness that is manifesting itself across this Nation in the indoctrination system from grade school all the way to the university, or it's infecting many churches, or its effect on business, or it's poisoning of the governments from local to federal as it's too large. Worse yet, the number of people grows daily who are so weak of mind so as to buy into the insanity. A darkness unimaginable is growing and spreading. It will likely explode in the next 5 years and will shock many who shouldn't be surprised by it. So, be ready, trust in God and His Word. Be strong and stand.Ramble ends.

The Sifting

 Jesus tells a parable about the wheat and the tares.  This is what I believe is occurring in the church today. To the charlatans in the Word of Faith crowd, the Prosperity preachers, and the Seeker Sensitive types we can add The Woke, the Critical Theory folks. These have snared many a gullible and undiscerning person. People who may carry a Bible but have never read it in context. We see churches ordaining women, accepting the LGBTQ crowd, the poor, misguided 'Trans' people and calling it all good, completely ignoring the Bible teachings on these and other issues. We see the Gospel twisted and perverted completely out of true for the sake of feelings. The Bible contains hard truths. In this age of 'nice', hard truths are considered unloving. Never mind that they are condemning the lost to damnation. There are churches who deny the existence of Hell because a "loving god would never ...". So to the Nation being under God's Judgement we can add a great sif...

All Mac

 Well, I am totally immersed in the Apple Ecosystem. M1 Mac Mini, M1 Mac Book Air, iPad Air 4, iPhone 12 Pro max, and, an iPod. That's a long way from Windows and Android. My last two Android phones were the Note 9 and the BlackBerry Key 2. Both were really nice phones although, BlackBerry screwed the pooch on the potential of the Key 2. It still is only running android 8! BlackBerry just can't seem to figure it out, or they don't want to. Samsung makes great phones. I like Android but the issue I always had was that a new version of Android would come out and it would take Samsung MONTHS to tinker with it so that it played nice with Samsung's OS. This sucked as Pixel phones would get it immediately but Sammy would make you wait. When a new update or version of iOS comes out, every iPhone gets it NOW.  Then, there's Windows. Windows sucks donkey splooge. My last Windows computer was bricked by Windows 10. I lost everything on it. I bought a refurbished iMac from App...

God IS Holy

 Have you ever pondered that? The Holiness of God? It's a very difficult thing to do in this man-centered and narcissistic age we are cursed with. Man considers himself the only 'god' in this time. He arrogantly denies the One True God who created all things. He says that he doesn't exist, or that he is somehow unworthy of their consideration because he doesn't do things 'their' way. Oh, we've all heard someone say "I could never worship a god who ...". I thankfully have never been THAT arrogant. To look at all the wonder in nature, and in the design of man and nature and deny God is, to me, the height of arrogance. Yet, throughout time, has this not been the default position of man? Have we not, since time long forgotten, tried to create a god in our own image? The answer to this is "yes." We see the results of this around us every day. Mans evil nature is on display for all to see. Need proof? Pick your area! Politics, personal inte...