The Crazy Grows

 As I watch the insanity of the world at large in general, and the insanity of the US in particular, I can't help but be even more convinced of Gods judgement on the US and the world. The total insanity of Critical Race Theory and Woke-ness hasn't peaked yet. The old saw holds true; "You ain't seen nothing yet!" I won't waste my time on the laundry list of craziness that is manifesting itself across this Nation in the indoctrination system from grade school all the way to the university, or it's infecting many churches, or its effect on business, or it's poisoning of the governments from local to federal as it's too large. Worse yet, the number of people grows daily who are so weak of mind so as to buy into the insanity. A darkness unimaginable is growing and spreading. It will likely explode in the next 5 years and will shock many who shouldn't be surprised by it. So, be ready, trust in God and His Word. Be strong and stand.Ramble ends.


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