Will you compromise?

 This will be the question many believers will face in the coming years. As 'Wokeness' infects the majority of the church, you will be forced to either compromise or stand. To go along with the false gospel they will be putting forth, or to hold to the True Gospel. What will that look like? Well, to stand for truth you will have to hold to the Truths of God's Word. He made them Man and Woman ONLY. Marriage is ONLY between one real man and one real woman. That homosexuality IS a sin and against Gods created order. That we must repent and turn away from our sin. God may call us as we are, but we ARE to change to conform to HIS way. That Jesus is THE way, THE truth and THE life, and that NO ONE comes to the Father EXCEPT through him! That abortion is murder. That CRT, Critical Race Theory, as well as Liberation Theology is false and evil.  There are others but these will be at the fore. You cannot be friends with the World and be a friend of God. Scripture tells us this. Jesus said if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before God. Also remember what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11, who will not inherit the kingdom of God, yet he says "such WERE some of you."  Emphasis on were. He is faithful to forgive if we are faithful to repent. Do not compromise, stay and stand strong. Ramble Ends.


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