Things to remember...
God IS good! That is number one. Always. He is good, and he is Holy, Holy, Holy! He is in control, He is sovereign. He controls all things according to His plan. He sent His one and only Son to die for the sins of the World, that all who believe in Him will have eternal life. God is gracious in that "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." These things must always be number one. We are, ALL of us, sinners. Even after we are converted to Christ, we will still sin. Contrary to the beliefs of some, we will still sin until we leave this world. In thought, sometimes in deed, we will sin. The difference is that we grieve when we sin. It crushes us and we cry out to the Father in sorrow at our sin and earnestly seek His forgiveness. We repent of our sin and strive to conform ourselves to Christ. We don't continue on and blithely say to ourselves "I'm forgiven so I can live how I choose." Pray. Always. For those we love, for our Nation and this fallen world, for our family and friends to come to Christ in belief and repentance, that they would be saved and not condemned to Hell. Rounding this out is to always be thankful to God for the bounty He's blessed us with. Life, a roof, food, and mostly, His son. Ramble Ends.
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