God IS Holy

 Have you ever pondered that? The Holiness of God? It's a very difficult thing to do in this man-centered and narcissistic age we are cursed with. Man considers himself the only 'god' in this time. He arrogantly denies the One True God who created all things. He says that he doesn't exist, or that he is somehow unworthy of their consideration because he doesn't do things 'their' way. Oh, we've all heard someone say "I could never worship a god who ...". I thankfully have never been THAT arrogant. To look at all the wonder in nature, and in the design of man and nature and deny God is, to me, the height of arrogance. Yet, throughout time, has this not been the default position of man? Have we not, since time long forgotten, tried to create a god in our own image? The answer to this is "yes." We see the results of this around us every day. Mans evil nature is on display for all to see. Need proof? Pick your area! Politics, personal interactions with those we consider 'undesirable', our personal biases, etc. You get the picture. We are as far from the true meaning of Holy as one can get. Is it any wonder we can't fathom a Holy God?

The Bible uses the phrase "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!" Think about that. The word Holy use three times! God is Holy and Righteous! He is perfection. We are not. The Bible tells us that there is "no one righteous, no, not one!" That there are "None who understand." This is so true. Yes, I include myself in this. It is hard enough to fathom the sacrifice of Jesus, much less his Father. OUR Father. Yes, whether you choose to acknowledge the existence of God, he is YOUR Father. YOUR God. The one, true God. The creator of all things. This world, this universe did not happen by chance. God spoke, and all creation came into being. He is the uncaused first cause of all. To see the complexity that exists all around us in nature, in the human body, is to see the glory of God. To deny it is the height of foolishness and stupidity. 

Why am I writing this? What prompted it? I started reading The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul. It got me thinking. I pondered my wretchedness and my sinfulness. I pondered eternity. Daunting things to think on and consider. We have one of two destinies that await us. Eternal life with the one true God, or eternal damnation. There is no middle ground. The concept of Hell offends man. The thought that one could wind up in a place of eternal punishment offends the arrogant sinner. They say that a God that would send people to hell is no God worthy of worship. Yet, if you ponder the Holiness of a righteous God, the supreme perfection of His being, and his hatred of evil, you must come to the conclusion that all of us sinners deserve hell. Yet, He condescended to send His son to take OUR punishment, to suffer for OUR sins. We have but to cry out for his mercy, and we'll be saved. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. NO ONE comes to the Father, except through me." Paul tells us to "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved!" Christ is our hope. He is our sacrifice, our substitute. God gave us this way to be reconciled to Him. We're fools not to take it.


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