Ah, We Humans are SO Stupid!
Yes, we are. Amazingly stupid. Humanity's penchant for stupidity began in the Garden of Eden and has only gotten worse. The moment Eve gave ear to "Did God really say ... ?" our long descent began. With every passing century we become dumber. We ignore facts, refuse to question certain premises depending on who puts them forth, and ignore other possibilities for the same reasons. We also deny facts after the truth comes out to debunk any given narrative. As an example, take Travon Martin. You will still hear people put forth that he was completely innocent, that he was hunted down and killed because he was black, that he was an innocent little angel. The facts deny all of this but that doesn't stop idiots from putting forth their 'stupid' for all to see. It's even scarier when you realize that many are in positions of power. Martin was a thug who died because HE attacked George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was euphemistically labeled a "white hispanic" so as to further charges of racism. The same narrative of lies has been used in regards to the cases of Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. The facts don't matter, only the narrative, hence, the increase of stupid.
Then there is the case of former President Donald Trump. He was never a racist until he ran for President. As a Republican. From that point on the Media and Democrats, but I repeat myself, as well as some Republicans, labeled him a racist. They repeated the lie every chance they got. Every good propagandist knows that if you repeat a lie often enough, idiots will believe it. These minions of Satan even managed to get thousands of people killed because they went after Trump the moment he mentioned HydroxyChloroQuine even though it was shown to be effective in the early stages of Covid. Now, as it's coming out that HCQ, as well as Ivermectin are very effective, and cheap, they hold to the Narrative. Worse, people refuse to see that they've been lied to over and over because the minions of Satan hate Trump! That is the height of stupid!
The 'Stupid Quotient" continues to expand almost as fast with regards to 'Wokeness'. The people saying that 'whiteness' is evil are clueless that the charge they are leveling is as evil as if they were saying that blackness is evil. They cannot see the hypocrisy they are engaging in. Neither, apparently, can half the populace. Yes, we are amazingly, frighteningly stupid and will destroy ourselves because of it. Ramble Ends.
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