
Showing posts from June, 2024

Dune pt 2

 I just watched Dune Part 2. Overall, not too bad. For someone who's never read the books, or seen the 2 previous iterations, they'll probably like it quite a bit. The good; The special effects were outstanding. I was impressed with the sets and how they shot the camera angles. The action was decent and the dialogue as well. Austin Butler did a good job of the psychotic Feyd, and Dave Batista was a perfect fit for Raban. The rest of the cast did fine too. In my opinion, all good picks. The not-so-good; When a book is well written, and you've read it many times, you tend to cringe a bit when it's made into a movie. The Director always has HIS vision. That usually means he's going to change things around and make additions that were NOT in the book, as well as removing some that were. This happened in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, much to their detriment. Back to Dune. I love Christopher Walken as an actor, but the emperor was more vigorous in the book, and I thin

Why Studying Your Bible is SO Important

 These days many who claim to follow Christ are Biblically illiterate. I doubt that many actually read much less study it. If they do, they pick and choose this verse or that, to suit their beliefs and twist them completely out of context. There is even a so-called 'pastor' who says we should "un-hitch" from the Old Testament! And people still take him seriously! Goats leading goats. I had a friend that briefly toyed with that and I asked him a few questions; Do you believe Jesus is God incarnate? When Jesus refers to Scripture, what is he referring to? If you believe Jesus is God incarnate, and he extolled the Scriptures, the Old Testament, do you think it wise to dismiss them? Do you see how this works? All 66 books of the Bible are "God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be equipped, having been thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 (LSB) It is

Just How Bad Will It Get?

 The US in particular and the West in general are under God's wrath and judgement. No, this is not the the End Times. This is God's wrath poured out on sinful Nations that reject Him. All throughout the Old Testament we see examples of this with Israel as well as other Nations such as Babylon, the Medo-Persians, and even the Roman Empire. God only puts up with so much, then He judges and destroys. He always warns a people/nation though. In the Elder Days He sent His prophets. Jesus warned his disciples and followers about the utter destruction and desolation of Jerusalem. Those who listened were saved. Today, we have God's Word in Scripture and the warnings pertain to us as well. If we're willing to see them. This Nation, as well as the West, have committed many abominations before God. So we've been given over to the natural depravity of our fallen nature. God has withdrawn His restraining grace and madness is consuming us. All one need do is look around and see th

The ONLY Answer...

 I keep hearing people say "We MUST elect Trump! Nothing else can save us!" I sometimes want to say to them "Fools! One man cannot save us unless that man is Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God!" Unless we as a Nation repent, God's Judgement will only increase in frequency! Things will only worsen! Christians should know this as we have ample examples in the Old Testament! If God did not spare Israel, His own people from punishment for their sins, what makes them think He'll spare us? Fools! We are fools for ignoring what has been given to us! Yes, I blame the many pulpits filled with the cowardly, and unworthy men who do not give the whole Gospel to the masses for fear of offending them! Worse, they let women preach from the pulpit! Not satisfied with that blasphemy, they engage in abomination by 'ordaining' practicing homosexuals and approving of that lifestyle when God expressly forbids it. Not satisfied, they endorse the mutilation of children a