The ONLY Answer...

 I keep hearing people say "We MUST elect Trump! Nothing else can save us!" I sometimes want to say to them "Fools! One man cannot save us unless that man is Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God!" Unless we as a Nation repent, God's Judgement will only increase in frequency! Things will only worsen! Christians should know this as we have ample examples in the Old Testament! If God did not spare Israel, His own people from punishment for their sins, what makes them think He'll spare us? Fools! We are fools for ignoring what has been given to us! Yes, I blame the many pulpits filled with the cowardly, and unworthy men who do not give the whole Gospel to the masses for fear of offending them! Worse, they let women preach from the pulpit! Not satisfied with that blasphemy, they engage in abomination by 'ordaining' practicing homosexuals and approving of that lifestyle when God expressly forbids it. Not satisfied, they endorse the mutilation of children at the altar of transgenderism. They still slaughter the unborn! And they think that by electing one man they'll change things? Also, the people in the pews share this guilt for being ignorant of God's Word! We are blessed to have it and yet we arrogantly squander what is in there.

Only a National repentance can save us. Not men. We refuse to learn from the past. If you think Congress and the Bureaucracy that screwed him last time won't do it again, there is little hope for you. Ah, man! So arrogant to think he can deny the living God and his commands! So arrogant are we that we think we can alter the truth and what IS. God is NOT mocked, and He will recompense for our foolishness. In fact, He is now. Unless we change course, this Nation is finished and will fall. Only God can stop it from happening, and unless we repent, we're done.


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