Why Studying Your Bible is SO Important

 These days many who claim to follow Christ are Biblically illiterate. I doubt that many actually read much less study it. If they do, they pick and choose this verse or that, to suit their beliefs and twist them completely out of context. There is even a so-called 'pastor' who says we should "un-hitch" from the Old Testament! And people still take him seriously! Goats leading goats. I had a friend that briefly toyed with that and I asked him a few questions; Do you believe Jesus is God incarnate? When Jesus refers to Scripture, what is he referring to? If you believe Jesus is God incarnate, and he extolled the Scriptures, the Old Testament, do you think it wise to dismiss them? Do you see how this works?

All 66 books of the Bible are "God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be equipped, having been thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 (LSB) It is also profitable to study what are called extra-Biblical books. Books the disciples would have known such as the Apocrypha, 1st Enoch, and the like. The Bible is pre-eminent though. Remember, the Bible was written to the 1st-century Jews and Gentiles, not us. It was written FOR us that we might learn more of God, His ways, and His Laws, and to learn of His Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, and why he had to do what he did. 

The lack of Biblical knowledge, of proper interpretation and study, is why so many wolves have come into the majority of churches in this Nation and world and have become apostates. It's why so many are led astray. It's why there are so many false converts. Paul commended the Bereans for going to Scripture, what we call the Old Testament, to study and search it to see if what he was teaching was true. Be a Berean. STUDY the Scriptures and pray for discernment. Grow in your knowledge so YOU won't be led astray.  I know reading and studying your Bible is out of fashion these days, but do it anyway. That way you won't give away your money to some charlatan who knows just enough Scripture to mislead, or wind up rolling on the floor laughing hysterically, barking like a dog, or speaking gibberish to get a 'rush'. Rather, when you hear false teaching, what will pop into your mind is "Did God REALLY say?" The Evil one knows Scripture too ya know.


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